Chapter Two

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"Honey." Mom greets me as soon as I step inside the house. She is sitting in the living room, with her laptop on her knees, typing something. I go straight in the living room, just to see mom, sitting on the coach with her blonde hair up in the messy bun and coffee on her left hand. She is interior designer and often works from home.

"Hello." I greet back and hop down on one of the white armchairs around the glass coffee table. She looks at me, smiles and returns to her work, typing something furiously with her right hand.

"Just a minute." She informs me and continues writing something, while constantly sipping coffee from her mug. "That's it!" She beams brightly and puts her computer away, looking at me with a large grin plastered on her face.

"Good news?" I ask her with a small smirk as I turn on the TV and start looking for cartoon channels.

"Yeah, just received a large order." She smiles once more and stands from her sitting place. "Want to eat something?" She asks me and I nod as my stomach grumbles. "Well, as I was too occupied with the order to actually cook something..." She winks at me and takes her phone. "Let's order something. What you want to eat?"

"Pizza." I answer immediately with a large smile and turn to mom, who is already ordering a large amount of pizza. She smiles at me once again before turning her back on me and going to the kitchen, still listing the order.

"Honey, will Rebecca come today?" She asks me while still talking on the phone and smiles as I nod. "We also want one vegetarian pizza please." She adds and finally hangs the phone. "Of course, I have nothing against vegans, but..." She shakes her head. She still can't understand why me and Rebecca chose not to eat meat. I have decided to become vegetarian, still taking milk and cheese, while Rebecca decided to be vegan, rejecting all the food that comes from animals.

"Mom, do not get me started on that again." I say with a small roll of my eyes as I sit more comfortably on the armchair. She mumbles something about today's teenagers and goes inside the kitchen once more to make another cup of coffee. She has strange habit of drinking tea in the mornings while taking numerous amount of coffee during the day.

"So, what happened today?" She asks me as soon as she emerges from the kitchen, with yet another steaming cup of black substance.

"Nothing much." I shrug my shoulders and yawn. "Mrs. Harold let us watch movie, we were watching Treasure Planet the whole two lessons." I exclaim and chuckle lightly. 'Though, I have Math quiz tomorrow, he wants to see what we remember from the last year."

  "Do you remember anything?" She asks me and laughs at her own joke, while I shake my head in disappointment.

"Mom, really?" I ask her s I sigh. She zips her mouth and looks at me once more with playful smile on her lips. Before I am able to say anything else the doorbell rings and she ushers herself to open it and take the tons of pizza away.

"Cassie help!" She cries out and with a small smile I take some of the boxes away from her. We put everything on the table and I start studying them.

"Why did you order that many?" I ask her a bit confused and start eyeing her.

"Well, me, Richard, Jordan with his friends and you with your friends." She counts everyone down and smiles. "I am afraid that it might even not be enough." She states with horrified look and shakes her head. "Oh well, I will order more later." She states as the front door opens.

"We are home!" Layla and Rebecca yell and march directly inside the kitchen. "We smelt amazing scent of pizza and couldn't resist coming in here!" Rebecca states as her mouth waters from the sight of vegetarian pizza.

Elements : Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now