Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Is everything alright?" His voice is laced with worry. His gray eyes are studying me carefully. I nod at him, knowing that leaving his question hanging will only bring more attention to me. He nods back, satisfied with my answer. "So, class!" He starts talking loudly, gaining everyone's attention. "Today, we will be joined by new teacher!" Sebastian claps his hands together, his eyes traveling to the school entrance.

Currently, we are standing in front of the fountain. No one is talking. Faces are frowned. The look in others' faces are full of disdain. Rea is talking with Marlee in a low voice, while Ellis and Kate are standing nearby, listening to them with serious expression. I can see Ellis glancing at my direction from time to time, only to quickly avoid the gaze. Luke and Jacob are standing behind me, their hands crossed on their chest, eyes cold, lips sealed together. Oliver is standing near me with Caleb, both of them having stupid smile plastered on their faces. While Chloe stands as far away from me as possible. Every time her eyes fall on me the sparkle of fear runs through them.

You are not a monster, Cassie, Just because people do not understand you... It does not make you a monster, it makes you unique. What people do not understand is that...You they push on you too hard that you are a monster, you will become one. Thus, do not listen to them, you know who you are and you are not anything like a monster.

The door opens, revealing Michael. He has dark circles underneath his eyes. His skin is pale, lips looking blood red in contrast. His clothes are baggy, his face is tired. As if he has given up, entirely. He is followed by a woman. She is tall with long caramel colored hair tied back in a pony-tail. Her large doe-like ocean blue eyes are full of warmth and love. She has long, slim fingers, small upturned nose and plumped red lips. She looks like a little doll, you would want to stare at the whole day.

"Hello." Michael starts talking in a low voice, as if not even being able to force himself to talk louder. "As Sebastian might have mentioned already, today we will be joined by new teacher sent by The Base." His voice is hallow. And for the most part it is my fault.

It is not. Come on. Stop blaming yourself. You had to practice and they insisted on staying.

I ignore the voice in my head, instead focusing on the woman in front of us. She seems to be eyeing me as well, because she is focused solemnly on me. She is wearing white shirt with pencil skirt and black high heels. I can feel power emitting from her, surrounding her protectively.

"Meet Alexandra Lewis." The low murmurs run over the class. Eyes wide open with surprise as they eye her more interestingly. The woman, Alexandra, chuckles lightly.

"Hello." Her voice is sugar-coated, calming. "As Michael has stated, my name is Alexandra Lewis, you can refer to me as Alexandra, I don't mind." She smiles softly at us before glancing over. "My elements are Fire and Air." She states confidently.

Her eyes are scanning us. Slowly, carefully studying us, before their land on me. Another smile makes its way on her face, knowing glint sparkling in her eyes. Something at her sight starts shivering inside of me. The feeling I am getting from her is not exactly negative, but it is strong. It feels as if something is heaving me down in numb motion. As if something keeps tugging me down.

"I am pleased to have chance of meeting you." Her voice is smooth. Her gaze is on everyone, she is not talking to only one of us. The small smile is tugging her lip upwards. Her long fingers are intertwined together. "I hope we can work together." We all nod, smiles appearing on our faces.

But there is something off with our smiles as well. Luke is fidgeting besides me, nervously playing with his sleeve, while his brown eyes are opted down on her. Jacob keeps chewing his bottom lip, hair messy, eyes crazed. Kate and Marlee are worriedly glanced back and forth from Luke to Alexandra. Chloe is trying to avoid the direct gaze to the woman in front of us, while Oliver scooped closer to his sister. Even Rea seems a little bit more paled than usual.

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