Chapter Five

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"So, where is that school located?" Layla asks me as three of them lean forward. This is the first time in the two years, Rebecca and Layla decided to act civil around Levi. I order not to make him feel uncomfortable or make him want to run. 

"Um." I whisper as I take a sip from my chocolate milkshake, in order to delay the answer as long as possible. "I do not know exactly." I whisper and sigh. "But it is seven hours from here." I whisper and sigh. "It's super private school, doesn't even let go outside on the weekends." I add, making up information in my head. "I am sorry, guys... I didn't want it to happen." I whisper in a low voice and look down at my hands.

"Hey, it's okay, Cassie." Levi whispers, putting his cold hand over mine, smiling at me. I smile back, squeezing his hand.

"Yeah, we are gonna see you on breaks." Rebecca nods and smiles widely at me. "And I hope there will be Wi-Fi and computers. We will talk every day." She adds with bright smile plastered on her face as I nod.

"It will be great." Layla starts suddenly, startling all of us. "I mean, when you return from breaks. I will plan everything, and even include Levi." She adds with small smile and looks at Levi, who only nods in response.

"Don't worry, Princess." Levi whispers in a low voice in my ear. His voice sends shivers down my spine and something about calling me princess, triggers me. I look at him with my eyes wide open, as he squeezes my hand and smiles. "I will always find you, no matter where you are." He whispers and kisses me gently on the lips. "Now, ladies... I need to go." He adds when he breaks the kiss and with the small wave, starts going out of the cafeteria.

"What's up with him?" Rebecca looks at me and raises her eyebrows as I shrug my shoulders.

"I have no idea." I answer back, taking another sip of my drink.


"What's up?" Jordan stands at my door and smiles at me. His dark brown hair is messy as usual, while his vibrant blue eyes are shining.

"Nothing, much." I shrug my shoulders and smile, trying to determine what to take with me and what to leave. "What happened?"

"Why are you going?" He asks me immediately, looking straight in my eyes. I look up at him with desire to tell him the truth, but unable to do so. "Mom and dad told me that you were going in some kind of private school." He adds as he waits for my response.

"Yeah." I whisper and pat the floor besides me, indicating him to sit down and he obeys. I put my hand around his shoulders and squeeze him gently. "They are going to help me with my... problem... Also, they are great in academics." I grin at him as he nods.

"So, it's because of your dreams and what keeps happening to you due to this?" He asks and chuckles, seeing my bewildered expression. "Come on, Cassie. I am no fool. Every time you dream something bad, something bad actually happens to you. So, are they going to fix that?"

"Yeah, well, at least they promised that." I grin once again and laugh. 

"I am happy." Jordan smiles at me and looks at the door. "Well, not about the fact, that you are leaving. You are pretty cool sister. But I am happy that you can finally be cured."He whispers and looks down at his hands.

"Now, as I think about it, you make it sound as if I am dying." I whisper spookily and smile, patting his head. "Jordan, don't worry about me." I whisper and pinch his cheek, which earns me an annoyed look from my brother. "I will be fine."

He nods, sighing and standing up. As soon as he stands on his feet the doorbell rings. Jordan looks at me nodding, indicating that he will be answering the door for me. He runs out of the room and I hear as he goes down the stairs, while shouting that he is coming to get the door.

Are you nervous?

Well, who wouldn't be? I mean... I am going in a new school, which will be far away from home. And as it turned out I will be living among people with magical powers.

You know that magic doesn't really exist, right? They can use it due to Mana Manipulation. It is part of the Energy Element. You shouldn't confuse them with each other. No matter what, never call true Mana User a magician. They will be offended.

Seriously? Okay, I am sorry. 

"Hey?" Levi knocks on the open door as he peeks inside. He smiles as I look up and looks around awkwardly. "You didn't notice me. So, I thought that knocking would be a good idea." He whispers as he steps inside, trying not to step on any of my belongings.

"Hey, sorry." I whisper and put my head on his shoulder as soon as he sits down next to me.

"It's okay." He smiles at me gently and looks down at the piles of things. "How are you?" He whispers as he leans towards me.

"What do you mean?" I question him surprised and look up at him.

"I know, how stressed you are when you have to pack or unpack." He smiles at me and I put my head back on his shoulder. "But... I am asking about moving away. How are you?"

"Well..."I swallow saliva and close my eyes, trying to understand the feeling inside of me. "I feel tired and worn out and stressed. And I am nervous. I don't want to go there." I whisper with tears threatening to fall.

"I know, Cassie." He whispers as he puts his arm around my shoulders and squeezes it tightly, yet gently. "But I think your parents are right by sending you there." He whispers in a low, barely audible voice as he kisses my temple.  "It will be better if you go there." He adds in a low voice, which if muffed by my hair. "Just remember that no matter what, I love you. You don't have to answer anything back." Levi chuckles when he sees me gulping in fear. Though, we have been dating for over a year, we haven't said L-word yet. I mean, I can't just throw it away, can I? "I just wanted you to know that whatever I am feeling towards you, it is real." He bents down and plants a soft, soothing kiss on my forehead, making my whole world spin like crazy.

"I... I think I lo-" I start, but I am interrupted by him immediately. He looks down at me with his large, colorless gray eyes and smiles with lingering, sad smile I have never seen on him before.

"I don't want you to say it, just because you feel as if you need to." He whispers and smiles once more. "I want you to go to the new school, meet new people and if even after that, you will be sure about your feelings towards me, then I will accept them." He whispers and hugs me tightly, as if afraid of losing me. "I want best for you, Cassie and I think that by going in that school, you will be alright." He smiles at me as he mutters the words, hugging me one last time.

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