Chapter Sixteen

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A legend about the girl, managing to control each and every element fully was created before The Sisters Era. The legend stated that the ordinary girl would be born from parents, that would change the world either way. She would be pure power in the form of human, powerful and powerless at the same time, weak from the desire to save everyone around her. She would be able to awake the elements, no one believed existed.

She would be the only person reaching the form of Absolute Elementalist, forming bond with others, so world could live in peace. Unlike others, she would not be borrowing the powers, but be one, herself.

Once becoming the Absolute Elementalist, losing herself, fully to the powers inside, she will never be turned back, losing her sanity and disappearing till the time comes again, when the world needs her. She will have the Nineteen Elements inside of her, but Moon, Nether and Ether.

The four people will change the course of world. When Nether and Ether wake up. When Moon chooses her daughter. When Absolute Elementalist snaps her eyes open. The world will be engulfed in chaos, no one can escape from.

There were times, when people believed in the story, when they were afraid that this time would come. Mothers would hide daughters, powerful daughters, who were slaughtered when they were babies. Societies were terrified of the person, that might have power, able to destroy the whole world.

But as the time passed and nothing happened, people realized how impossible it sounded. They understood that it was impossible for a single person to bear Nineteen Elements inside of her, as only the most powerful could barely stand two inside of them.

And soon, people ceased to fear the legend, they have been told for centuries and girls starting dreaming about becoming one, wanting to be powerful enough to save the whole world by themselves.

But they grew up, realizing that the world was not a make-believe world. where people were strong, just because they wanted to be. They realized that they had to work and yet, they still couldn't defy the rules of universe. They couldn't change, who they were. Until, they finally realized that it was just a bed-time stories for a little girls, who knew nothing about cruel, harsh reality.


Darkness. Smooth darkness is surrounding me with blankets of nothingness around me. Currently, I am in nothingness, floating in the endless sea, surrounded by clouded thoughts and memories, that are slowly fading, losing their own colors.

I sigh as I smile, having no worries in the world. I can feel something, deep inside of me stirring, wanting to break free, but at the same time, another part of me, much stronger, keeps it down, not letting it see the surface.


The voice rings inside my head. I look around, spotting no one, but the voice still keeps calling inside my head, making it dizzier than it was.

Cassie! I am here. Inside your head. Just listen to me, trust me, will you?

I nod, doubtful if she sees it. But I say nothing, waiting for her to order me around. I don't know her, but part of me trusts her without second thought, as if she is me. I close my eyes and concentrate on the voice, that will tell me who I am.

First of all, remember who you are. Remember what you  were fighting for. Remember your dreams and your goals. And most importantly, remember your friends. People, for who, you were ready to sacrifice yourself, save them. They need you, Cassie.

I look around, only to be surrounded by nothingness. The questions asked by The Voice, rings inside my head, banging something hard, forcing it to reopen the wounds, that somehow got closed. The words, memories are slowly slipping inside my head, sentences forming and gaining some kind of ideas and plots. The dizziness inside my head, slowly turns into buzzing voice, clearing and blurring everything in my mind at the same time.

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