Chapter Fourteen

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I start panting as soon as we stop next to the large stone, feeling powerless and weak. I can feel fear slowly creeping up on my spine, but something inside of me, keeps shaking it off, eating it even. But others are not so lucky. Even Luke and Jacob are slowly being infected by the fear.

Their eyes are wide from the cold feeling, gripping them with its talons. Their hair are messy, their bodies are covered with sweat and I can feel their heartbeat increasing second by second.

I think it is high time to use the masking thing, you told me about, Sapphire.

I sit on the large stone, creating the dome of shield around our trio, defending us from any harm that might come at our way. I close my eyes and wait for something to happen, something that will save people's lives.

Don't get nervous. You know what you have to do. Just don't be afraid to be engulfed into your power. Remember that you control the power and not vice verse.

I nod, concentrating on the fear around me. I don't know how, but I know that it is the only way, I will be able to detect every single person, who is scared in this battleShield. I slowly start collecting them, putting them inside my body, slowly and painfully eating them away, destroying and saving  them inside of me.

"Cassie...W-what are you doing?" Luke whispers while clutching his chest, pain visible on his face. But his gaze is even more impossible to hold onto.

"Are you eating...fear?"Jacob asks me after some time, feeling less pressure on his chest as most of their fear is being put inside of me, being digested into pure power.

"I am trying to." I whisper with gritted teeth. I start ignoring in, giving more attention to people and their emotions. I can feel them around me, floating in the air into different colors. They are giving off the auras about what kind of emotions, they are holding. I slowly slip inside of them, taking fear away from them with me, sealing it inside my storage for later use, feeding my own element on their vital emotion. Who knew that fear would determine whether or not you would be winner or a loser. Without fear, they become smarter, stronger, faster, yet more reckless and brave. I can't take away their fear forever, they will be regained after some time, but for now, it will be enough for them to stay alive.

"We can't stay here forever." Jacob declares as soon as he feels no darker emotion inside of him. He looks at me and smiles gently, seeing me nearly tripping over, dizzy from the amount of detailed power, I had to use in the correct way. He kneels in front of me, holding me up in bridal style and starts walking in fast pace, with Luke walking besides us.

"What should we do?" Luke whispers as we go through trees and bushes, hiding from the enemy. My shield is slowly becoming weaker and weaker, barely standing and protecting us. We stop as soon as someone is thrown in front of us. He lands on his back, pain painted on his face. He is gritting his teeth, not muttering a single word. His hazel orbs are raging with anger and determination, his brownish hair is messy nest of bird, and his left arm is painfully twisted, his abdomen is bleeding and yet, he still keeps fighting.

"Michael!" The shout escapes from Jacob's mouth, even before, I can realize who the boy in front of us, is. My eyes widen and I try to climb down from Jacob, who tightens his grip on me. Without hesitation, Luke takes me away from him, holding me, himself.

"Go to him." He assures him and looks down at me with large eyes. "I can create the shield and protect her. I can't leave her, but you can." And with that words, Jacob runs out of the shield, standing next to wounded Michael and starts fighting against the enemy soldiers.

Despite how much he wants to stay and help, Luke starts running the opposite direction as fast as his feet can carry us. He doesn't stop and doesn't look back, ignoring everything and everyone around us, until I feel the fear raising inside people once again.

Fear Elementalist is using Fear Inducement. It will evoke fear into people without any actual reasons. That is what you have to fight against.

"Luke..." I whisper his name, earning full attention from him. "Can you put me down?" I question him with a whisper, forcing him to put me on the green, grassy ground, closing my eyes and once more repeating the procedure, which finally leads me to crack up my shield of protection, shattering it into tiny pieces.

"What are you doing, Cassie?" Luke demands, kneeling in front of me and creating his own shield to cover us from any potential harm. He looks at me with serious gaze directly in my eyes, never batting his eyelashes, never once looking away, averting his glace.

"I am trying to overpower the other Fear Elementalist." I whisper in a low voice, shame creeping up on me, feeling as if I have betrayed my friends and family, everyone, I have ever held dear. He smiles at me and gently wipes away the tear, I didn't know escaped from my grip. He leans forward, putting his forehead gently on mine.

"Cassie, you don't have to overdo yourself, just because you are the only person, managing to fight against Fear Elementalist." He whispers gently. "You don't have to prove anything to us. We trust you, that's why we marched in to this fight to protect you. We hold you dear and you don't have to die in order to repay us." I gulp and I nod, never stopping absorbing the fear around me, until it disappears once again. I slowly lift my hands, touching both of his shoulders and trying to flow some of my newly found energy inside of him, knowing how much he is struggling to keep the shield up, without collapsing.

"You don't have to do that." He whispers to me, his eyes staring straight in my soul, making me want to dissolve into the air from awkwardness.

"Yes, but I want to help you." I smile at him and double the amount of energy, I am sending to him. He smiles at me kindly, relieved to have little more power to keep the shield going. But I know, that we won't be able to move from the current place. He sits down next to me, leaning against me as I sigh tiredly. I can feel my body itching for sleep, that will last forever.

You need a good rest. If you keep it up like that, it will definitely kill you. You have never been training in Fear Element and using it like that is barbaric. And brutal to everything and everyone around you. Once you lose control, chaos will erupt and no one will be left alive. Stop using it and start depending on Energy Element, or any other, you might be able to pull off.

I ignore the voice inside my head, as I lean back to Luke, slowly closing my eyes. I can feel someone's else presence, sending chills down my spine, scaring me to no limits, but I can't detect anyone around. I crack my eyes open, roam them around the perimeter and yet, no one is visible, until he emerges from the shadows.

He is still slim, with dark locks falling onto his nearly colorless, gray orbs. He is wearing black jeans with white T-Shirt, from where his tattoo is visible on his arm. The look on his face is nothing similar to one, I have got used to seeing. This one is full of hatred and pain and sinister. A single look on it sends terrors to me. Horrors, I didn't know, dwelled inside my soul.

He steps forward, out of the shadows, forcing Luke to jolt up on his feet and stare at him with wide eyes. Even from here, I can detect the power inside of him, raging and urging to break free, to consume everything and everyone on its way. His gaze is sharp, fixated on me, never wavering away from me.

"It seems you replaced me pretty soon, Cassie." Levi smirks at me, taking one more step towards me. "I didn't expect this from you... After all, you belong with us, Cassidy Stewart."

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