Chapter Three

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It has been the whole week since the incident and we all agreed never to talk about it. Though, my parents often check me when I lay down to sleep. I can sense that they are worried about me and the fact that it might repeat itself.

I still don't know what happened to me back then, I Googled it in various samples, but it never worked. Everyone says that it is impossible to have temporary death-like state during your sleep.

"Hey, are you okay?" Levi sits next to me and plants a soft kiss on my lips. I smile at him and nod. None of us told him what happened to me that night and I do not think that it is a good idea to tell him anything at all.

"Yeah, I am just little too tired." I admit and sigh, while looking through the window next to me. He looks down at me and chuckles, shaking his head.

"How so?" He asks me and leans forward.

"I am just tired. Like too tired." I whisper and put my head on his shoulder. "I can't function normally anymore. I hate waking up so early in the morning." I add in a whining voice, which gains more chuckles from him.

The bell rings and I look at the door, from where our history teacher, Mr. Spencer should come. Mr. Spencer is in his early fifties, with bolding, white head and round glasses. But when the door opens, with him comes another guy, I never expected to see.

"Hello class!" Mr. Spencer booms in his usual cheerful voice and smiles at all of us. "Today, we have new addition to the class." He beams brightly and lets the guy come inside. When I see his dirty blonde hair and kind, blue eyes, small little pushed-up nose and million-dollar smile, my jaw falls on the ground. I never expected him to come here. "This is Jacob Morrow and I hope you will be friendly with him." Mr. Spencer smiles at us and even winks at me and Levi, when notices us.

"Um, hello." Jacob waves at the whole class shyly and blushes when half of the class swoons over him. "I just transferred from Eliton School." He whispers and blushes once more as more girls look at him. "I hope this year will be great for everyone." He finishes with large smile across his face and looks at Mr. Spencer, who points at the spare seat on the other side of the classroom.

"Why does he seem so familiar?" Levi looks at me with raised eyebrows, making me roll my eyes. I know that he remembers who Jacob Morrow is, but I do not know why he acts like total jerk. "But anyways, I do not like this guy." He adds in a darker voice, I have never noticed on him before.

"Levi, he is my friend." I roll my eyes and look at Jacob's direction. Waving back, when he noticed and waved at me.

"It doesn't mean that I can't dislike him." Levi murmurs and looks at Jacob once more with distrust in his eyes. "There is something about this guy... "

"Come on, you don't even know him." I add with slight roll of my eyes and irritation in my voice. "You can't judge someone without getting to know them." He growls, but nods, not wanting to argue about this with me anymore.

"So, what are you going to do about your birthday?" Levi smiles at me and leans down, whispering low in my ear. I shrug my shoulders and sigh.

"I don't know." I whisper and look at him confused. "Why are you all so hyped about my birthday? I am turning eighteen." I add with irritation and turn back towards the board, where Mr. Spencer is explaining World War II.

"Because it is your birthday." Levi smiles at me and kisses my fingers, he had been holding. "And every birthday of yours is important for me." I melt at his words and blush, slightly. "So, have you planned anything?"

"Nope." I shake my head playfully and look back at him. "I don't think I am going to do anything major. And parents want to do some kind of family trip or something, so I do not know." I shrug my shoulders once more and look back at teacher, who is animatedly talking about Hitler.


"Cassie!" The familiar voice calls my name as the bell rings. I turn around and smile happily at his blue eyes.

"Jacob!" I greet back and hug him tightly when he comes nearer. "I didn't know you were transferring here." I add when I smile at him once more.

"Yeah, there was some kind of problem in school and I had no other choice, but to leave." He says in dark voice and sighs. "I didn't know you were studying here." He adds and smiles.

"Oh well." I shrug my shoulders and turn around to face both of them, Levi and Jacob, in order to introduce them to one another.  "So, Jacob, Levi. Levi, Jacob." I 'introduced' them to one another and grin sheepishly, knowing that I have done terrible job on that.

"Her boyfriend." Levi adds in mysterious, dark voice when he nods at him. Jacob's eyes become wide for a mere second, but he returns his usual smile and nods at him back.

"Her friend." He says and looks around awkwardly. "It was nice seeing you here." He turns to me and gives me one of his smiles, that makes girls swoon over him. "But I need to go. I have to meet principal." He adds in a smug voice and turns around, waving his hand as he leaves the classroom.

"See, he is a nice guy." I turn to Levi with a large grin plastered on my face. He looks down at me and sighs, shaking his head.

"I don't trust him, Cassie." He whispers again and puts his arm around my shoulders protectively. "But I can do nothing about it." He adds in a tired voice and smiles down on me. "But I am going to keep an eye on him." He adds as we exit from the crowded classroom.


"So, he is the Jacob Morrow?" Layla asks me as she takes a large bite of her pizza. Today, to our demise, she has decided to wear pink vest, white small shorts and white sneakers. Everyone has been staring at her the whole day. I can feel annoyance radiating off of Rebecca.

"Layla, he is my friend." I say once more, feeling more annoyed than before. She grunts, but says nothing as she takes another bite. "And I do not like him." I add confidently as I take a large sip from my chocolate milkshake. "But that's not the point." I quickly add with the roll of my eyes. "Levi doesn't like him and I do not understand the reason."

"Well, wonder why." Rebecca comments sarcastically and shakes her head with slight chuckle. "Even I felt jealous, Cassie. And he is a boy. " She adds with small smirk on her lips. "I don't blame Levi for being suspicious of him."

"Thanks God, someone agrees with me!" Levi exclaims from behind me and sits next to me, taking one of my French fries. He smiles at me as he chews the potato. "See, she understands why I feel protective and jealous."

"Still, he is my friend." I add with another set of roll of my eyes. "And I do not like him that way. So." I turn towards Levi and stare at his colorless gray orbs. "You have nothing to worry about." I whisper in barely audible voice as I learn forward and kiss him softly.

"I would say get a room, you two." Layla chuckles. "But then, I would have remembered what me and Rebecca keep doing when you two are there." She adds and laughs. "Though, we have never tried...making love in front of you." She adds with satisfied look. "I think, we should try." She turns to her girlfriend and wiggles her eyebrows.

"As much as I would have liked it." Rebecca smiles. "I think it will be final point for two of them." She adds and winks at me. "Though, we can certainly do it alone." She whispers to her as Layla blushes.

"Even if one of you were boys, I would still feel uneasy with you two talking about it in front of us." Levi comments and sighs. "I doubt you liked if I started whispering dirty things to Cassie." He offers and looks at me with small smirk playing on his lips, which actually makes me blush.

"Yeah,  we are like you haven't done the deed." Layla smirks and returns to her abandoned pizza. "I wonder when you are going to do it." I look away, feeling blood hitting my face. "I mean, you have been together for a long time and yet..."

"Layla." Rebecca takes her hand and quiets her. She shakes her head at the same time as squeezes Layla's hand. "They will do it, when they think they both are ready."

"You really make me feel uncomfortable." Levi comments and sighs. "And I do not like talking about it in front of you." He adds and blushes himself.

"Believe me, not only you." I whisper as I take another sip from my milkshake.

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