Chapter Seven

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"Do you like it, here?" Mom asks me as soon as she steps inside the new bedroom. She looks around the room and clicks her tongue. "It has been same for me as well. They haven't changed much." She whispers and smiles. "Though, I got my element, pretty soon." She comments and sits down at the edge of my bed.

"Don't worry, Cassie." Dad smiles at me encouragingly. "I am sure, you will like it in here. People are friendly and kind and they most likely do everything in order to help you accommodate." He smiles and looks sharply at mom. "And your birthday is in month, I am sure you will impress everyone."

"You say this because you are my father, you try to encourage me or because of the potential power, all of you keep talking about?" I ask a bit irritated.  I don't know why, but I feel the irritation building up inside of me, as if... As if I actually have a reason to be angry.

"Don't talk like that, Cassie." Dad whispers in pained tone and sighs, taking the chair. "I am telling you this, because I believe in you. You are smart and beautiful and I know that you will reach the great things in your life." He smiles at me sadly and looks at mom, who is staring at her own, trembling hands. "We love you, Cassie. Nothing can change that. For us, what's important is you and not the power hold inside of you." I nod, feeling tears filling my eyes.

"I am sorry." I mumble and start rubbing my temples. "It just... It feels strange to be here... I never thought that anything of that sort was possible." I mutter and look through the window at the green garden with beautiful maroon roses.

"It's okay." Mom finally speaks up, her usually softness returning to her voice. She stands up and comes to me, hugging me tightly. "I know how worried and nervous you are. I was, too, when I was your age." She whispers in my eyes and tightens her embrace. "I am scared that... If I let you go, you are never going to return."

"Mom." I whisper and smile. "Mom, come on, you don't have to cry." I smile at her once more as she starts sobbing. "I promise, I will return. After all, you are my home." I whisper.


Ever since my parents left the school, I haven't come out of the bedroom. It is getting dark anyways, and I don't feel like wandering around during the night. So, instead I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling above me. My mind is instantly occupied with the memories, I no longer wish to think about. The images of Levi are popping up like crazy. His eyes, his smile... But now, none of that matters, because he had been using me. All this time, we have spent together, meant nothing for him, just another mission he had to complete.

I think, it will be better if you sleep. I mean, tomorrow will be a long day and I truly believe you could use some sleep.

Yeah, I know. I just... There is too much going on, right now.

No shit, don't tell me about it. Anyways, nothing will change by over thinking, you only feel more used.

I sigh and stand up, changing into my pajamas before going to sleep.

"Annie?" A beautiful girl with porcelain skin, large amethyst eyes and long, straight black hair calls out as soon as she steps inside the dark room, filled with papers with different paints on them. In the middle of the room is sitting another girl with wavy, short white hair and closed eyes. But as soon as she hears her name being called, she snaps them open, revealing large boysenberry colored orbs. 

"Yes?" The girl asks and smiles at the newcomer. "You can come in, Leona." She rolls her eyes and stands up from the floor.

"I hope, I am not disturbing something important." She whispers as she walks in, looking around the room, where only source of light is lit candles.

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