Chapter Thirty

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No one is speaking. Yet, no words are needed to describe the pain in everyone's faces. Their eyes are clouded, mind wandering off. They are standing here, in front of the stage of the meeting hall, yet none of them are actually here. Yes, there is a low chatter, whispers in the dark, but none of them dare to speak up louder. As if scared for their lives.

I am not standing alone. Yet, it feels like I am alone. Luke is standing on my right, as if he is my bodyguard, who cannot leave my side, even though he wants it so much. On my left is standing Jacob, his stance even more rigid than before, his eyes focused only on his brother, that is standing on the stage next to Michael. Other members of Elite Class are around me, too. But they keep their distance from me, as if I am some sort of plague, that cannot be touched.

And even though, I am not close to any of them. And even though, I have been distant from my friends as well, it still hurts, being left alone. Even though, I do not have control over the things that keep happening around us, for them, I am one to blame. They do not see me as a human, but a killing machine, that might go mad any given second. For them, I am not someone, who deserves a chance. And I can feel it. I can feel it in waves clashing against my body.

"Dear students." Michael starts talking loudly. But really, there is no such need of it, considering that the whole hall is already too quiet. "As you all might know, The Base has been attacked." Another wave of murmurs go over the hall. "The Dark Ones have taken one of the most valuable documents from The Base." Michael seems worn out, tired. He is nothing the guy, I have met at the beginning of the year. "And in the process have wounded and killed some of the soldiers, protecting our realm." I look down, partly fighting the urge to roll my eyes at his choice of words.

Ever since that conversation with Alvin, I keep thinking. I have always known that histories are written by the winners, but I never believed that they would victimize themselves so much. Much like Dark Ones, they are killing people, even more, I dare to say. But for the people around me, it does not matter. They grew up believing that Dark Ones were crazed criminals, who wanted to destroy the world. And partly, they might be right. But it does not mean that everyone in that organization is evil. Some people might just have no other place to go, no other place that would accept them.

The minute of silence passes, honoring the fallen. I can detect tears in some of the students. And all of them are shaken to the core. One place they deemed safe was attacked and the enemy of their manage to get inside of it.

"What's up with you?" Luke leans closer, whispering the words in my ear. I flinch at his voice, confusion rising in me. Neither Luke, nor Jacob has talked to me ever since yesterday's morning. And even before, they preferred only to accompany me, not to talk to me.

"Nothing." I whisper in barely audible tone. But I am sure that he has heard. "Nothing is wrong. Everything is fine." I mumble again, more to myself than for him to hear. Either way, he does not say much, instead leans back and looks at Michael.

"As all of you may know, we have Elite Classes." Michael starts once again, his eyes glued on me. I cannot name the emotions floating in his orbs, but I can feel how part of him blames me for the attack. "We have decided to intensify the teachings of the said classes." Michael states sternly. "And this week, we will have visit from The Head of The Base, Winston Bradley." The excited murmurs go over the hall.

I shiver at the mention of familiar name. A person, who believes that I am nothing more than a weapon, that will destroy the world. A person, who wants to use to for the powers inside of me. Who would gladly have me killed the second he lays his eyes on me.

"His visit will be for a sole reason to evaluate the members of Elite Classes." Michael continues talking. His voice is steady and calm, serene. He is already used to the situations like this, when he has to remain calm in order to shout out the orders to others. People around the hall nod their heads, pleased with the fact that even for a short amount of time, the Head of the Base will be in the school and with him half of the soldiers of The Base.

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