Chapter One

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I groan as I open my eyes. I have never really been a morning person, but remembering what day is today, is officially killing me. I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling and wondering about all the excuses I could use to not go to school, today. First days are never easy. Especially, for me.

"Cassie!" The loud, screaming voice of my mom wakes me from my daydreaming state and forces me to get up, as I can't think of any reasons not to go to school. "Cassie!"

"I am coming!" I call back and sigh as I sit on my bed, with my legs dangling above the floor. With final sight, I go to the bathroom, turning on the shower.

"Gosh, Cassie. You will definitely be late!" My little brother, Jordan knocks on my door before going inside his bedroom. I groan loudly as I step outside the pouring water and start drying myself. After twenty minutes, I am ready. I grab my black leather backpack, which goes perfectly with black ripped jeans and white shirt and start running down the stairs.

"Cassidy." Dad looks at me with disapproving gaze and shakes his head. "It's the first day of school." He adds in disappointed tone and sighs while sips his coffee.

"Guys, I am not late." I add in annoyed voice and shake my head. "Moreover, Levi will be here soon and he is going to take me." I add with large smile plastered on my face. Dad looks at me once more with irritated look inside his eyes. Levi transferred in our school last year and soon we started going out.

"There is something about that boy, I do not like." Dad says as a matter of fact and looks at me, but I just shrug my shoulders.

"He is nice, young man, Richard." Mom looks at him in warning way and dad rolls his eyes in surrender. I love watching them and their crazy love story. "And he has never once mistreated her. So, let them be." Mom adds and winks at me as I grab my waffle and eat it. "Though, it would be better if you acted more lady-like, Cassie." She sighs and takes her cup of hot tea.

"Mom, I am ladylike, enough." I smile and put my plate in the sink. "Where is Jordan? Levi will be here any second." I add a bit annoyed and look around in hopes to catch my brother.

"He actually opened the door for me." Levi appears out of nowhere and smiles at me with his dashing smile. I look at him and blush, melting at him. "Hello, Mrs. and Mr. S!" He greets them with large grin and looks at my little brother. "Ready to leave?" Then he looks up at me and takes my bag. "Come, we will be late." He smiles and starts walking out of the house.


"Cassie!" The loud screeching sound of my best friend is heard as soon as I step inside the school building. And just a mere second after I am crushed into a tight hug. "I missed you!" She states loudly and hugs me even tighter.

"You literally saw her, yesterday Layla." Rebecca comes to us with small, resting smile adoring her lips. She pushes her black hair away and looks at the girl, suffocating me. "Sometimes I wonder, if I should feel jealous." She states and looks at me with small smile.

"Don't be stupid." Layla lets go of me immediately and turns to her girlfriend and my second best friend, Rebecca. I have never seen people so opposite, attracting so much to one another. Layla is blonde with warm, blue eyes and tanned skin. She is part of cheerleading squad and loves everything that glitters, while Rebecca has dark hair and eyes, pale skin, she is part of art club, but only loves everything that has color black in it. And they came out just four month ago. I felt honored that they trusted me enough to share their secret with me. And ever since then, they are openly together. Honestly? I have never seen cuter couple in my life.

"You know, I love you, right?" Layla asks Rebecca with large, doe-like eyes and waits for her response.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry." Rebecca laughs and winks at me. Then her eyes shift to Levi besides me, who looks at us uncomfortably. When all three of us get together, he usually feels out of place and tries to stay as quite as possible. "So, what did you and lover boy do in the summer?" She asks me while wiggling her eyebrows.

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