Chapter Twenty

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The hall is crowded. Students are whispering, shouting and yelling among one another. Each one of them wondering what might be the reason of their meeting. Some speculate that Dark Ones might be attacking again, some think that it's just an assembly. Michael is pacing back and forth on the stage, waiting for the hall to be full for him to start. When the noises finally die down, he stops, clearing his throat and eyeing his students.

"Well, I bet you might all be wondering, why I have gathered all of you here today." He starts in low, measured tone. His eyes freeze on the horizon, creating illusion as if he is staring at everyone. "You all might remember the current events and aftermath of these events." Nods are seen from every corner. "Because of these events, we had to warn The Base." He clears his voice once again, trying to hide his nervousness. His palms are sweaty and I can feel how uncomfortable he feels for the first time ever since he has been assigned to this position. "The Base decided to return the Elite Class." He finishes with defeated sigh.

The hall breaks loose. Students start shouting from left to right, their voices reaching every cell in my body. Their emotions are running wild, trying to break free. Some are scared, some are excited, some believe that it is not fair for them.

"What is Elite Class?" I whisper to Luke, who has been standing next to me all this time. He looks at me and raises his eyebrows, before taking in a deep breath.

"Well, two years ago, The Base had a program, that was called Elite Class." Luke starts explaining with tired voice. "The program started in Sebastian's third year, if I am not mistaken." He shakes his head and sighs. "The goal of this program was to create generation of undefeatable soldiers. Sebastian, along nine other students, was selected for this program. It was shut down due to being unethical and too harsh for students." Luke rubs his temples and smiles. "Now, it being returned means that we are at the edge of a war against The Dark Ones."

"Elite Class will consist of eighteen strongest students in the whole school." Michael continues talking as soon as he manages to reach the silence. "The Head Teacher of Elite Class will be Sebastian Morrow, while he will be aided by other representatives of The Base." He explains shortly. "The members of the Elite Class are already determined. They will be announced shortly." He adds and disappears from the stage.

I look at Luke, wanting to say something, anything to break the heavy silence between us. But his gaze stops me. His usual warm eyes are now cold, holding the ice inside of them. he sighs and looks at the stage more carefully, waiting of Michael's reappearance.

When he appears, he looks older than he actually is. His hair is messier than before, the dark circles underneath his eyes are darker. And he looks paler. He sighs once again, coughing and clearing his throat, gaining everyone's attention.

"I will list the members of Elite Class." Michael starts dully. "I will put the list on the wall and give personalized lists to each and every member personally." He adds and clicks his tongue. "Jacob Morrow, Lucas Smith..." My breath hitches when their names reach and register in my mind. I look at Luke. A soft, yet confident smile appears on his face. I look over the crowd, hoping to even catch a glimpse of Jacob, but he is nowhere to be seen. "Chloe Bucker, Oliver Bucker, Caleb Connor..." The names go on, without even registering in my mind. I look around the crowd, overwhelmed by the emotions emitting from their being. My head slowly starts spinning, losing focus on the world. Blurriness is slowly making its way in my vision, making it even more difficult for me to see. "And finally Cassidy Stewart." My name rings in my ears, clearing my vision at once. I look up confused, dazed even. I never expected my name to be called out among the strongest people in the whole school.

The whole hall stays quiet. No one is daring to make a single sound, but all of their eyes are focused on me. As if I am some kind of ticking bomb, that is about to explode. Michael coughs, gaining back attention to him. He pushes back his brown, messy hair and smiles tiredly.

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