Chapter Eight

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"So, now... I am going to hand you the timetable." Jacob murmurs and starts looking for the piece of paper. "As we don't know your element, yet... You will not attend the Elemental lessons." He mumbles and takes out the paper. "Here, look at it." He smiles at me as he hands me the white paper with words written on it.

1.Elemental History

---5 minutes break

2. English                   

---5 minutes break

3. World's History

---5 minutes break

4. Math.

---Lunch/30 minutes break

5. Additional Language.

---5 minutes break.

6. Physical Training

---5 minutes break

7. Basic Knowledge about Elements.

"That's it?" I ask a bit surprised as I see nothing more on the paper. He nods and looks down at the paper.

"So, the breakfast is at seven in the morning." He starts explaining and smiles at me. "Lessons start at eight. As soon as you receive your element, your timetable will alter as well. Some lessons will be taken away, while others will be added." He explains and I nod. "In every break, I will assist you until you reach the Year Two." Jacob sighs and starts walking towards one of the large, wooden doors with different battle scenes painted on it.

"Where are we going?" I question him as I start following him towards the door.

"You will not be permitted there until you reach Year Two."Jacob whispers and pushes the door open. "But as today, it is your first day... It's tradition to take you here, where the best students of Eliton High are training with their elements." He smirks at me as he steps inside the room. "It's called Training Hall." He whispers as I go inside.

The floor is made out of metal, while bleachers are made out of wood. The walls are light gray in color, with dirty white ceiling. The windows are in every single wall, letting in as many light as possible.

"Do you like it?" He whispers to me as we take the vacant seats and start watching others fighting with one another. I nod, a bit too fascinated. My eyes keep wandering around the arena, not realizing who is worth enough to be watched. Every one of them is amazing. Some is shooting lightning bolts, while others respond with water. Fire is lighting up the flames, burning everything down, while metal is irrupting from the floor. "I thought, you wouldn't like it." Jacob smiles at me and looks at the blonde girl, who is shooting fireballs at the similar looking boy. "Not many girls are fond of it. Knowing you, I thought you would hate it." he mumbles more for himself than for me to hear. But I don't understand why anybody would hate it here. After all, it's finally the place, where I feel as if I do belong here.

"Will you take me here more often?" I whisper as the blonde girl is hit with rush of water, thrown away from the ground.

"First years aren't really allowed here, Cassie." Jacob chuckles at me nervously and looks back the fighting couple.

"But, well you did lie to me." I say with smug look plastered on my face. "I think you owe me one." He looks at me and shakes his head, chuckling while doing so.

"Okay. I will take you here, until you wake your elements." I nod, thankful to be able to see this amazing scene every day.  "They are amazing, aren't they?" Jacob asks as soon as notices the couple I am looking at. "They are twins. Chloe has Fire Element, while Oliver has Water." Jacob starts whispering at me in low voice. "Though, Chloe is more suitable for Water and Oliver for Fire." He chuckles.

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