Chapter Seventeen

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"What are you planning to do?" The deep voice whispers as the girl with beautiful face and long, curly blonde hair emerges from the shadows. Her emerald orbs are full of sorrow and pain, clouding her gaze.

"I don't know, Dave..." The girl whispers and sighs, sliding down the white wall, putting her head in her hands, sobbing. She looks up, her eyes blazing in the dark as she smiles at the boy in front of her. "I don't know what to do, anymore."

"Did The Base come to you?" Dave asks with higher tone, trying to keep control on his raging anger, inside of him. The girl remains silent, scared to mutter a single word. "Jeannette." Dave calls her name gently, kneeling in front of her and slowly removing her hands from beautiful face.

"Yes." The girl chokes the word out, more tears cascading down her cheeks, staining them with salted water. "And I lied to them, Dave. I lied. Do you know what they will do if they find out the truth? They will come after both of us." She chokes the words out and sighs, becoming calmer by every passing second. "I am scared." She admits, pushing her golden locks away from her puffy eyes.

The first thing I notice, when I crack my eyes open, is the total and utter whiteness surrounding me. The scent of medicines fills my nostrils, making me feel sick. The floor is made out of wood, matching the white ceiling above me and white walls around me. A single window is locating directly next to my white bed.

I sigh as I close my eyes again, trying to remember the last things happening to me, before blacking out. The corpses, wounds and blood images fill my mind, forcing me to snap my eyes open, try to ignore the growing guilt devouring my consciousness.

I slowly try to sit up, ignoring the growling pain in my whole body. With whimpering, I manage to sit up, only to be gently pushed down by the warm, familiar hands. Annoyed, I look up, ready to scream at whoever is standing beside me, only the voice to be frozen upon my lips, never escaping them.

His oak brown eyes are blazing from the white lights in the white room. His black hair reminds me of the messy bird nest, that is about to crumble down. He has small, nearly invisible scar on his upper lip, somehow making him seem more handsome. He smiles down at me, smoothly pushing away my hair away from the face.

"How?" I whisper the word into atmosphere, trying to think of some logical explanation on why Luke is standing in front of me, seemingly fine. "Did I die, too?" I ask with drop of sadness in my tone, which makes me feel guilty. In front of me, is standing a boy, who gave up his life to save me.

"No." He chuckles and takes a small, measured step back. I still can see how it hurts him to walk, or even stand for a long time. His abdomen is bandaged, small droplets of blood oozing through it. "You just saved me and others." He whispers in low, hoarse voice, when he finally sits down on the armchair near my bed. He sighs out in relief and the usual smirk returns to his face.

None of us speaks a word, not being able to think of any topic, that might sound acceptable in current situation. His eyes are scanning me carefully, as if I am some kind of enigma, he has to solve.

"Do you remember anything, at all?" He asks me after a while. I look down at my pale fingers, nodding weakly.

"I do, actually." I answer and look up, laying my eyes on the glass of water, taking and gulping it down at once. I tap my fingers on the glass and sigh. "I remember what happened before I blacked out and I remember what and how I did, certain things. But I don't know what it was, and I don't know what happened to me." I admit in defeat, returning the glass to its previous place.

Luke says nothing, his eyes never leaving my expression, trying to detect lies in my words. But I am not lying. I don't know what I used, when I called out their souls. I don't know what I did, when I started healing them. But I know how painful it was for me. How it kept ripping my soul apart, as if, I could never be whole again. And the feeling of emptiness, inside of me. Nothingness drinking from my veins, filling itself up with my flesh and blood.

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