Chapter Thirty-One

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Everyone from the class is here. The teachers are lined up. Luke and Jacob are standing together, both of their faces emotionless, yet I can see rage in their eyes. Elli, Kate and Marlee are standing together, whispering in a low voices. Oliver is standing with Caleb, while occasionally looking at me with look of pity in their eyes.

Only Chloe is looking at me with sympathy. She is still twitching occasionally and seems distant from others. I can see the lasting effect of my prying on her. I want to approach her and to tell her that I am sorry, that I did not mean to see it. That I never intended to hurt her again. But I do not move. Instead, I watch her as she starts slowly approaching me.

"Hey." She whispers in a low voice and smiles at me, gently.

"Hey." I greet back, awkwardly. "Listen..." I bite my lower lip and sigh. She looks up at me and smiles once again. "I...I am sorry. I did not mean to pry like this." I whisper the words out. "I never wanted to hurt you like that, Chloe, really...It just...I could not control it and... I am sorry." I whisper finally and look down at my hands, ashamed.

"It's okay." Chloe smiles at me, putting her hands around me and hugging me tightly. "I know you did not mean to, Cassie." She whispers again as she steps back. "And I never blamed you, or anything...I just needed time to get over it again." She explains in a low voice and sighs. "I am sorry it took so long and I was not there, when you needed me." She whispers again.

"Yet, here you are now." I grin at her happily, knowing that I, at least, have one friend next to me. "I will be fine, wherever I will have to go...I will manage, Chloe." I chuckle humorlessly and stretch my back.

"Hey." Sebastian approaches us and smiles, greeting both of us. "Can I talk to you, alone?" He looks at Chloe, who nods and leaves us with small smile adoring her lips. He turns to me, his stormy eyes glaring at me. "You should have said no, Cassie." He whispers tiredly. "You should have done, what I have told you."

"I know." I whisper in barely audible tone, looking away from him. "I should have trusted you." I whisper again. "But I cannot stay here, Sebastian." I murmur with tears pooling my eyes. I can feel his gaze upon me. "I do not want to stay here." I add with slight hesitation lacing my words.

"Cassie..." Sebastian shakes his head and runs his hand in his hair. "Winston is the strongest Elementalist and best strategist in the whole world, Cassie...That's why he is the Head." Sebastian adds in worrying murmur.

"And I am the Absolute Elementalist." I add with annoyed roll of my eyes. "I think, I can manage somehow against him. Thank you for trusting me, Sebastian." I add sarcastically, which only annoys him even more.

"You can't control your powers, yet." He states with click of his tongue. "Unlike him." He adds with a smirk.

"It's too late to back down now, anyways." I shrug my shoulders and look at Winston's direction. He has blood-freezing smile plastered on his face, his eyes are gleaming like lightning in the dark.

"Yeah." Sebastian mumbles and smiles at me. "I can only wish you luck now, Cassidy." He grins at me and starts patting my head. "I do not want to see you chained in The Base." He adds in a whisper. "And...No matter what you think, I believe in you...And I know you have it inside of you to win this battle."


He does not approach her. He does not even more from his place. Yet, his eyes are only on her. The worry behind his façade is sickening him. But he does not move. Despite the fact that he wishes to go to her, encourage her and make sure that she will not lose the match against Winston, he cannot do that. Even though, he has been trying to prove different, he knows that this school is not place for Cassie, but neither is The Base.

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