Chapter Twenty Five

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"Are you in love?" Adeline whispers the words in a low voice, disappointment and betrayal vivid in her sparkling eyes. Her face is morphed into sinister, twisted smirk. She pushes her blonde hair away from her face as her eyes focus solemnly on her sister. "Well?" She asks again, raising her eyebrows.

"What do you want, Adeline?" Annabelle whispers in low voice, flinching. She turns around, looking directly in her sister's eyes. Her gaze is filled with utter sadness, pain and hurt.

"Are you in love?" She asks again, sighing and rubbing her face. "Just answer me, Annabelle." She adds with slight hesitation.

"Yes." The girl with auburn hair nods, seeing no point in lying to her. "You are going to tell mother." She states firmly, her purple orbs still on her twin.

"No." Adeline shakes her head, smirking. "I don't see point in it. You are going to struggle with him even without mother on your tail." She chuckles. "It's Pier, isn't it?" She asks again with low voice. She closes her eyes and sighs. tiredly.

"Yes." Annabelle whispers once again. She, too, closes her eyes tightly and bite lower lip, trying to keep sobs from escaping. "I am sorry." She whispers without hesitation.

"You can have him." Adeline shrugs her shoulders. "I don't need him. I don't even like him." She chuckles and shakes her head. "Yet, he is going to marry me, is not he?"

"Are you alright?" I look at Destiny with wide eyes, panting. She has her long, white hair in neat bun, her large, light blue-purplish irises are trained on me, studying every single move of mine. "Did you see something, Cassidy?" She asks concerned.

"No." I shake my head too suddenly. She raises her eyebrows and continues watching me. "I did not see anything." I add with slight hesitation. My mind is still fizzy and spinning from the things, I have seen.

"Cassidy." I look at my right, where Sanity is seated. Unlike Destiny, her white hair is down, small smile adoring her lips, her eyes are pinkish with tint of red inside of them. Her eyes are angrier, yet somehow warmer compared to Destiny. "You have to tell us the truth...Otherwise, we won't be able to help." She explains gently, caressing my cheek.

"I..." I start with a whimper. I sigh, shaking my head and rubbing my temples. "I think... I am seeing the fragments of past." I finish with slight annoyance. They both look at me shocked, surprised. "I mean... I think, but I am not sure. I keep seeing the two sisters, Adeline and Annabelle." I whisper once again.

"The original sisters of the light and dark." Sanity whispers and looks at me with wide eyes. "Cassidy... If anything, only one thing is sure." She starts in ancient tone. I look at her, confused. I have heard about the stories of the two sisters, but people told me not to believe in them.

"But, isn't it just a legend?" I ask in a low voice and look directly in their eyes. "Just legends, I mean... When I first came here it is what I have been told." I add with slight hesitation.

Sanity sighs, shaking her head and looking at Destiny with knowing glance. None of them say a word for a while, before both of them turn at my direction.

"Cassidy." Sanity's voice is low, ancient and dark. Her gaze is hazy and lacks focus. "You were considered to be a legend." She chuckles humorlessly and sighs once more. "The sisters lived. They destroyed the world and nearly killed everyone in it. It was considered to be the dark ages. Not only for Elemental, but also for the human world."

"It's all for today." Destiny declares loudly, her eyes carefully studying my emotions. She looks at her sister, before turning to me. "Though, you will have a homework." I look at her confused. "You will have to do research about The Original Sisters of Light and Dark." I nod at her. "With your meditation, visions and books."

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