Chapter Fifteen

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I stare at him, not being able to mutter a single word, scared that I might make the matters worse. His eyes are bloodshot, his gaze holding madness inside of them. And he is standing in front of us, ready to kill us off if needed.

"Levi..." I whisper his name, pain shooting up in my chest as soon as his name rolls off of my tongue, leaving the bittersweet memory of the old times, when everything was simpler, much easier than today.

"I am asking for the last time, Cassie." He tells me with cold tone, gaze matching to his voice. "Are you joining us or not?" He whispers the words, something flashes inside his eyes, only to disappear the next second. I shake my head with tears fogging my vision.

Luke stands in front of me, leaving the shield and ready to attack Levi in his weakened state. But he doesn't even look at Luke's direction, not even admitting him as his equal.

"Cassie, don't say a word." Luke warns me and balls of energy appears on his palms, ready to attack Levi with everything he has got. But as soon as he runs at his directions shadows emerge from the ground, attacking him ruthlessly.

"Energy Blasts!" Luke yells and blasts of energy hits Levi from behind, forcing him to fall down on his knees. I can feel anger bubbling inside of him as he lifts his head, spitting out blood.

"Umbrageous Teleportation." He whispers, disappearing and appearing behind Luke, kicking his back and sending him flying across the small Shield. Luke barely stands up, still holding the shield around me, as I am still too weak to create my own, or even help him a little.

I think Luke is going to die. I mean, watch it, he is weak compared to Levi.

Once again, I ignore the voice and look at the fight, taking place in front of me. They are hitting one another with their best moves, sending one another into the ground, wounding each other. And I am sitting on the ground away from them, surrounded by the shield that hasn't even been cracked, no matter how wounded Luke becomes, unable to help or stop them.

"Energy Emission!" Luke yells loudly, forcing every bit of energy outside of him, attacking Levi in large shining ray, throwing him away in his own puddle of blood. But he is still alive, barely managing to stand up and lock eyes with Luke.

"Umbrakinesis." he whispers the words and shadows emerge from the ground piercing through Luke's body, leaving him hanging in the air with pointed shadows inside his body. The shield around me cracks, shattering down in million pieces as Luke slowly bleeds to death.

"No... No!" I shout loudly with tears streaming down my face, fogging my vision and blurring the images in front of me. Levi stands above Luke, ready to strike the deadly attack in his heart. "Please, don't do that. Please, don't kill him." I beg him through tears, pain growing inside of me as he looks up, staring inside my eyes.

"Why?" He questions me with pain filled voice, his tone barely inaudible. "Why should I spare his pathetic life?" He turns away from Luke's barely alive body and starts walking towards me, his steps steady and slow, until he stops in front of me, staring directly in my soul. "Cassie..." His voice is smooth like velvet and deep like ocean. His gaze holds warmth and love, the same glance, he would often give me back at school. I smile at this sight, unable to hide the small happiness inside of me. I know how much, I have missed him, missed his nose, sharp jaw line and perfect bloody red lips. "Come with me, Cassie. Come with me and no one will be hurt." He whispers the words gently inside my ear, sending chills down my spine.

I slowly and barely raise to my feet, being helped by Levi before I fall back down. I am being mesmerized by him and his promises of peace.

"Don't listen to h-him...C-ca-s-Cassie." Luke manages to whisper before the final shadow penetrates his heart, silencing him forever. My body starts trembling, slipping away from the cold-blooded murderer, holding me a second before. I fall on the ground, shivering and trembling from fear inside of me, eating me alive. My gaze shifts from Levi to Luke. His own warmth-filled brown eyes are now glassy, mirroring everything around us, holding no gaze on its own. His mouth is agape, blood oozing from it.

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