Chapter Twenty Three

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"You look beautiful, dear." An older woman with long, graying brown hair whispers to a girl with platinum blonde hair. Her hair is framing her perfect face, getting along with leaf-colored green orbs.  "Adeline, you are going to be the most stunning girl in the whole ball." Woman whispers again.

Adeline looks back in the mirror, distaste written all over her beautiful features. Her long white dress is reaching the floor. She was the embodiment of innocence and beauty, yet she never wanted to represent any of it.

"Mom?" Another girl emerges from the shadows. Her red hair is in beautiful braids. Her violet orbs are sparkling on her pale face. She looks stunning with her long, deep purple dress falling on her slim body. "Do I look decent?" She mumbles in low voice, looking down at herself.

"Uh, Annabelle." The woman starts with click of her tongue. She says nothing as her eyes trail over Annabelle's body. They stop over the edge of the dark lines on her shoulder. "You look normal." She adds in uncertain voice. Adeline shakes her head next to her mother.

I snap my eyes open, sitting up in the bed. I look around, sighing when I realize that I am back in the hospital flag. Next to me Luke is sitting up, leaning against his bed frame. His gaze is empty and tired. When he notices me, he offers me a small smile, that I gladly return.

Jacob is still sleeping peacefully on the bed. Most of his wounds are already gone. Michael and Sebastian are leaning against the wall in front of us. Their eyes are not leaving the three of us. I smile at them as well, but they just nod in response.

There is a heavy silence between the four of us. No one thinks of speaking as we eye one another.

"How is Jacob?" Finally, I am the one breaking the ice between us. Luke looks at me, then at Jacob, then at the two, standing against the wall and then shakes his head, sighing.

"He will be fine." Michael sighs and rubs his temples. "You don't have to worry about him. But... I do have some questions regarding the two of you." He starts in annoyed tone and looks at Sebastian. "Now, tell us your version of the story." He says once again. I look at Luke, who motions for me to speak.

"Well, Mr. Sanders told us that we had to show him our powers." I shrug my shoulders. "He decided to spar with us one by one and check what we can. He decided to start with Jacob." I look at him, still lying motionlessly in the bed. "But when Jacob was defeated, he wouldn't stop, that's when Luke got involved." I look at him, whose eyes are frozen on the horizon, anger blazing in them, "At first, I planned to stop Mr. Sanders, but Luke got in instead of me." I explain and sigh. "Mr. Sanders left Jacob alone, but well, we don't know him, so Luke kept his shield up in any case." Michael nods and looks at Sebastian, who grits his teeth. "Mr. Sanders decided to spar with Luke, but as I verbally defended Luke beforehand, he attacked me instead of him. So, I had to do something. Luke was fighting Mr. Sanders, while I was fighting golem made out of rocks." I push my unruly hair back and crack my fingers. "But when he overpowered Luke, which was kind of my fault, he decided to attack them both, because he did not want to get inside my shield." I remember every single detail of the sparring. "And I jumped in front of me, putting my shield over them as well, but Mr. Sanders got inside of it. And I bet you know the rest..." Michael nods and says nothing. His hazel orbs scan me carefully, as if trying to detect any signs of lies.

"Nikolas is famous in The Base with cruelty." Sebastian starts in professional tone. "He is one of the most feared admirals in the whole unit." He continues talking, ignoring my confused gaze. The title of our teacher, seems to surprise even Luke. "I don't think that it will be easy in his lessons."

"What do you mean admiral?" I ask dumbfounded. I can't imagine sinister old man being as important in The Base.

"You don't think that The Base sent bunch of nobodies to defend the school, do you?" Sebastian smirks and sits on one of the armchairs in the room. "I am, myself the youngest admiral in Elemental History." He smirks and chuckles. "All of us, who were sent here are holding very high, powerful and respectable positions back in The Base." He whispers in a low voice and smiles.

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