Chapter Ten

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"Excuse me, can I come in?" I ask politely after knocking as I finally find my classroom. The man in his late forties turns at my direction, completely ignoring the blubbering sound coming from his students.

"You must be Cassidy, right?" He asks me, pushing his square glasses up on his bulb nose. He is balding and has kind smile across his face. His smile widens as I nod my head. "Ah, the late bloomer." He says happily and looks at the class. "You shall take any vacant seats." He tells me and I obey, spotting the only vacant seat in the classroom.

No one pays me any kind of attention as I sit down next to a girl with long, straight green hair and strange bluish-pink eyes. She has small nose, with freckles spread on it and rosy red, delicate lips. She turns towards me as soon as I take a seat and offers a large smile.

"Hello. My name is Ellis." She introduces herself and gives me a hand to shake, which I gladly take.

"Cassie." I whisper my name back and smile. She seems friendly and outgoing, painfully reminding me of Layla, and only this is enough for me to decide that I want to be friends with her. I look at the symbol on her tie, but it is impossible to tell. "Um, do you mind me asking... What element are you?" I ask her a bit awkwardly, as if asking something too personal. But who knows, maybe in this world it is too personal.

"Plants." She shrugs her shoulders and proudly shows me her tie. "You?" She asks me and then shakes her head. "So, before you say anything. I highly doubt that we are from the same Element, but I really don't mind being friends with you." She remarks and takes me by surprise.

"What do you mean?" I ask her dumbfounded and try to lower my voice, not wanting other students to notice how little I know about their traditions.

Keep it up. I don't think that these people will like, if you don't know anything about them. And I was thinking about how we woke up the element. I mean, if the laser thingy didn't come to us, we would have never found it out. It is shame, really. And after the talk with Michael, we know that our nightmares have to do nothing with elements and this stuff. So, the main question isn't how we got our elements, but why do we have these nightmares about the people, we do not know.

"So, you mustn't be from around here." She chuckles and smiles. "Basically, in Elemental World, there are many people to hate associating with people from another Elements. But I have to tell you, that not everyone is like that. You can actually find some nice people if you try hard enough. So, what's your element"?"

"Energy." I say simply, not knowing what reaction is supposed to be expressed.

"It's cool." She smiles at me. "My mom has energy, I wanted it when I was little, too, but realized that it wasn't for-" She stops suddenly, her eyes widening as she stares at me. "Oh my, you are the person, who can create the energy shield alongside Luke, aren't you?" She asks me bewildered and starts studying me slowly.

"Yeah, I guess so." I whisper a bit awkwardly. "Though, I don't understand what's so special about it."

"Are you kidding me?" Ellis shakes her head, displeased. "Only highest ranked Energy Elementalists can do it. No matter how strong Lighting Elementalist might be, she or he can't do it. It only goes to Energy and it is difficult, nearly impossible to make." Ellis starts blabbering, until the smiling face of our teacher, Mr. Fletcher appears in front of us.

"Mr. Fletcher!" Ellis screams out a bit scared. "You scared me." She shakes her head and smiles. "So, basically, I was explaining to Cassie the importance of Energy shield and who could produce it. You can't scold me for helping out the fellow student."

"How kind of you, Ms. McLean." Mr. Fletcher smiles and shakes his head, retuning at the front of the class. "So, before our lovely Miss McLean interrupted us, I was going to talk about the Energy Shields."

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