Chapter Nineteen

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"Well..." Caleb hops down next to me at the cafeteria. He looks at me with his neon blue orbs and smirks. "How does it feel to be the talk of the whole school?" He asks and takes a huge bite of his sandwich.

"Peachy." I roll my eyes and sip chocolate milkshake. The main thing, I miss about normal world is milkshake and fast food. "I just... I don't understand, don't they have other things to worry about?" I throw my hands in the air dramatically.

"Nah, I don't think so." Ellie sits on the other side of me, her smile spread on her whole face. "You are basically a fairy-tale in real life." She chuckles and yawns. "Anyways, how are you?"

"Have been better." I shrug my shoulders and sigh. "I just... It would be better with less stares, though." I whisper in a low murmur.  "Makes me feel like some kind of exhibition."

"You are kind of." Caleb says nonchalantly. "Cassie, I do understand your perspective, but..." He averts his gaze from his food and locks his eyes with me. "You are a legend among us. We have all grown up, believing that you were a bedtime story. People will criticize and they will stare and whisper a lot. Some will love you and yes, some will going to hate you." He lowers his voice and leans in. "Some is even going to fear you. They don't know who you are and where you stand. People need time to accept you."

I don't say anything. Lately, I have realized that staying quiet is better than talking. Especially in times, when people are stressed thin. The silence around us becomes pregnant and yet, even then I don't dare to speak.

"Damn, Cal." Ellie breaks the tension awkwardly. "I didn't know, you could deliver a speech like that." She giggles, trying to cover up the tension around us. I can feel eyes staring at me, suffocating me in their gaze.

"I... I need to go." I whimper as I stand up with full tray. "I will see you later in class, okay?" I ask calmly, before storming off without waiting their response.


A red Lamborghini stops in front of the school entrance. The door swings open, revealing a man with long golden locks and cold blue orbs. He comes out of the car, keys playing in his hands. He straightens his caramel colored coat and starts walking towards the school with measured steps.  Students around the garden stop and stare at him, hushed whispers reaching his ears, as he smirks in his beard.

He pushes the golden doors open, breathing in the scent of his old home. He closes his eyes as he steps inside, waiting to see the old building, which always brought awe to him. But instead when he opens his eyes, he comes across with half-ruined school, that once gave him a sanctuary. The fountain is still the same, but the glass dome above it is shattered. The flowers that once brought beautiful view and scent is now dig up and rotten.

He sighs and shakes his head, sadness creeping inside of him. He cracks his fingers and with the click of his tongue, continues walking towards the major direction of the principal's office.

"What is he doing here?"

"I thought that he finished the school last year."

"I heard that he is with the Base now."

Whispers about him fills his ears, making him feel little hazy. His steps become faster, until they match the speed of wind. He stops in front of the bronze door and knocks slightly.  The door swings open, revealing Michael with papers in his hands. His brownish hair is messy, while glasses are covering his hazel orbs.

"Hey, just leave the papers and I will look through them myself, Diane." Michael orders without looking up. His eyes are running over the papers with serious expression. "Really, you don't have to look over-" His sentence break half, when he looks up and notices the boy with golden hair. "Sebastian." He exclaims with large smile plastered on his lips.

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