Chapter Thirty - Two

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"No!" Michael shouts loudly as he runs towards the bars, his hands clenching around the metal. The helplessness of the situation wraps him in a tight bubble, making it difficult for him to breath. He can feel air being sucked out of him, as nervousness and worry overtakes him. "Cassie!" He shouts loudly as the lightning starts approaching her. The time becoming slower, as if wants to disappear.

Next to him, Sebastian is raging, loudly, for everyone to see. But no one truly cares about it. All of others are at the bars, confused, angry and surprised. No one is allowed to use dark aspects of their powers. No one has stooped to low to ever use them. The attack that taints one's soul, that murders someone in most treacherous way.

Yet the exact same attack is performed in front of them by the Head of The Base. By a person, they all believed to be saint.

"Cassie..." Luke whispers in a barely audible tone as tears start sliding down his face, his eyes only on the girl lying on the ground, coughing out the blood.


I watch as lightning keeps approaching me. I can feel the surge of power trying to break free from whatever Winston has done to me. And I do know that if I am ever to let this lightning touch me, I will die, despite my status as being Absolute Elementalist.

I cannot die.

I stumble to my feet, watching the death approach me. And I close my eyes, letting the power inside of me to drive me. Trusting it fully to save me. Because deep down, I have always known that trusting what I am and what I have is the only way to survive in this world full of enemies.

"Non-Corporeal Form." I whisper in a low tone, just as lightning passes through me. I watch in awe as I am being penetrated, only to feel nothing as if I have never been touched. And in some way, I have never been as it went through me, clashing with the wall behind me.

"She..." I can hear Destiny whispering in a low voice. "She touched the power, that was never touched before." She mumbles as she takes a step towards me.

"Element, that has been sleeping since the War of Originals." Sanity whispers back to her sister. I can feel amusement sipping off from them, blanketing me into warmth.

"Impossible." Winston whispers as his eyes land on me, his smile freezing on his lips. "You...You should be dead!" He shouts loudly. In response, I only laugh. Not that there is much more to do than that.

"Despite not being here for a long time." I start in serene voice as I go back to my physical body. "I do know that the attack you have used, it not allowed. " I state gently as I raise my hand and point it towards him. "You might have blocked my powers for a little time, but you forget something important about me." I state with anger radiating off of me. "I am not using powers. I am power. Blood Manipulation." I whisper in a cold voice and watch with smile as the man in front of me starts shouting loudly, his limbs going into unnatural shapes as his screams fill my ears.

"I believe, I have won my freedom." I state as I drop him on the ground and turn towards the crowd. Yet, none of them are cheering for my victory. Instead, all of their eyes are on the man in front of us. 

The End of Book One 



This is it. The end of book one. I really hoped that you have enjoyed reading this book as much as i have enjoyed writing it. Somehow, this book has become part of me, where i have put everything i have got. 

Thank you for reading it and supporting me. 

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