Chapter Five (Part 1)

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A/N: I almost didn't update today, was too busy dying from the onslaught of amazing that is Agust D's new album

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A/N: I almost didn't update today, was too busy dying from the onslaught of amazing that is Agust D's new album. I literally can't even right now. It's amazing. He's amazing and my mind is blown.


Throbbing pain, that is all that I was

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Throbbing pain, that is all that I was. I winced as the bright sunlight filtered through my eyes, sending shocks of awareness into the depths of my brain. I sucked in a shallow breath, the broken ribs making it difficult to exhaust any more effort than that. I waited a moment, trying to let my body adjust to the new levels of torture that was my existence. Everything hurt and I had a healthy layer of blood soaking my shirt and leggings. I raised my fingers, still keeping my eyes squeezed shut, and felt the edges of the open wounds.

The skin of my right shoulder felt hot to my touch, burning under my cold fingers and sending slivers of fear and unease throughout my conscious mind. The skin was no longer a gaping maw of torn flesh and exposed muscle. I felt the coin sized puncture holes creating an oblong half circle over my collarbone and my shoulder blade. The skin was raised and rough, like thin paper that had been soaked and wrinkled and then left in the sun to dry. I moved my hand down my to my leg, surprised at the careful covering of the wound that drained so much of my blood last night...

Was it last night? I felt the terror settle over me like a suffocating blanket, choking the air from my lungs and making my heart pound painfully. I opened my eyes slowly, my body refused to act quickly no matter how urgent the thoughts in my mind. I was still lying in the playground, my head and upper back pressed awkwardly against the concrete tube. The sun was barely across the sky, lingering on the horizon, almost reluctant to call it a day. 

I groaned, reaching my hand to my face and wiping slowly across the broken skin of my chin, lips and cheeks. Everything felt swollen and wrong, belatedly I realized I couldn't open my left eye.

I struggled to turn myself over, force my arms and legs to hold me steadily on all fours. The exertion proved too much and I felt my body convulse painfully as I retched. My vacant stomach twisted in agonizing pulls as it emptied of even the bile. I spit the taste from my mouth as soon as I could think beyond the blistering sensation in my ribs. With sheer force of will I pushed myself to my feet, stumbling backward against the playground equipment. 

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