Chapter Thirteen

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For the first time in weeks I was pulled from my sleep by the gentle tickle of sunlight filtering across my face. My mind floated in an in between place, I wasn't really awake and I wasn't really asleep. I sighed and carefully stretched my hands over my head, luxuriating in the feeling of peace that surrounded me. 

I lowered my arms back down and gently snuggled lower into the blankets and pillows, inhaling deeply. It was hard to explain, hard for me to understand, but the smell in this room, the very atmosphere just made me feel safe. I sighed again as I could feel sleep pulling at my conscious mind once more.

Memories began to surface through the haze of my tired consciousness. Taehyung dragging me through the apartment, his face eager and open with an innocent happiness that was unusual in an adult, showing me everything. Hours spent cleaning and doing laundry. A quick, relaxing shower before I passed out on the couch.

Then a dream.

I smiled because I hadn't had a dream since that wolf attacked me, only terrible nightmares.

But this was different. I remembered a voice, like honey but deeper, calling my name. It tugged against something in my chest. An anchor in my heart I hadn't realized was there. I bathed in the serenity, basked in the refuge that permeated the air around me and opened my eyes.

He was there. Hoseok. My heart soared and I couldn't help the effervescent bubbling of happiness that flowed from the unknown depths of my soul at the sight of him. I smiled, happy simply to be in his presence, relieved that the nightmares were chased away by the easy sunshine he carried in the brightness of his smile.

I don't remember anything he said to me, my heart was pounding too quickly and my brain working too slowly to really process the conversation. All that I remembered was his warmth and the undeniable kernel of truth in the bottom of my heart that no matter what, I was safe with him. 

I blushed and pulled the blanket over my head as I remembered the unabashed way I leaned into him, pulled the calming smell that always surrounded him into my nose. I touched his hair and his face, my dream-self couldn't help it. He looked so sad and tired that I wanted to give him even a small bit of the comfort he gave me just by existing. 

I didn't feel shame, just a sense of wonder that I was so bold in my dream. Real life Hoseok didn't like me very much, that was a hard fact to content with when my crush felt so strong, more like infatuation.

I rolled onto my stomach and pulled a pillow tightly to my chest as other sounds began to drift towards me. Sounds I tilted my head in confusion at. Jimin and Yoongi were never loud in the morning. If Yoongi was awake. When he was asleep, Jimin tiptoed around like an earth shattering, cataclysmic event would take place if he woke his mate. 

It was adorable to me, simply because I knew even from my few interactions with them, that Yoongi would never harm a hair on Jimin's cute head. I sighed and pushed myself into a sitting position, after my first restful night in ages, I wasn't incredibly tired.

My feet hit the floor before I realized that something was wrong. I was not surrounded by the cool, crisp colors of Seokjin and Namjoon's room, nor the living room of their apartment. I wasn't even in the living room I last remember falling asleep in. 

I blanched, my eyes darting over the meticulously clean and sparsely furnished room. I flumped back onto the bed, covering my face with my hands as I tried to conjure everything I could remember from my 'dream'. 

I thrashed back and forth, my entire body turning red with embarrassment as I attempted to bury myself deep within the blankets. "Please tell me that didn't happen?" I groaned out in a panicked whisper. He was going to think I was even stranger now... first I ogle him openly like a sex starved teenager and now I was practically begging to sleep in his bed -wearing his clothes. "God what is wrong with me?" I breathed into my hands as they clasped over my face.

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