Chapter Fourteen

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"Jimin-oppa?" I asked as I looked over the island counter to the couch where the fox sat between the other two youngest members. They were all playing a different game now, one that Jungkook still managed to beat them at. Apparently Jungkook was very competitive and rarely lost. It was fun to just listen to them talking to each other while they played, bickering and pestering when I knew none of it came from the wrong place.

"Yes?" He asked, tipping his head toward me but not taking his eyes off the television, he seemed very absorbed and only paying half attention to me.

"Where is Yoongi?" I asked. It was rare to see one without the other.

"Yoongi and Hobi are patrolling." Taehyung answered, looking back at me with a quick smile before focusing forward again. "Oh, and Namjoon and Jinie had to go to the hospital about something."

"Hmm. Don't Jimin and Yoongi usually patrol together?" I asked. It had only been a few days since I woke up in Hoseok's bed but I think I was starting to get the hang of their patterns. Then they went and changed them again. 

"It's not really necessary right now." Jimin said, leaning forward and turning the controller in his hand like that would help him better in the game. 

"Why?" I asked as I continued to wipe down the counter, trying to take care of the mess Taehyung and Jungkook left after dinner. I swear as soon as both boys realized I felt like I wasn't contributing, they went out of their way to leave things for me. I smiled to myself when I remembered Jungkook's reaction to me doing his laundry. 

"Well," Jungkook began, giving me more of his attention since he wasn't afraid of losing his place in first. "Normally only one of us patrol at night or during the day. It got a little hairy after you showed up and we had to double our patrols."

I stiffened at his mention of my arrival, in all honesty the wolf alpha rarely crossed my mind in the last few days, even the nightmares abated. The more time I spent in the company of these hybrids, the less the wolf defined my idea of what it all meant. "Was it because the other alpha was coming after me?" I asked, frowning slightly as I turned to the dishes in the sink.

"Ah ..." Taehyung's deep tones dragged over the words and I could imagine the way he tipped his head in thought as he planned out what he was going to tell me. The feeling that they were all keeping something from me kept growing as the only negative I could find in my new life. "Umm, I mean not really." He said after a moment. 

There was aloud smack of palm on flesh and I heard Taehyung yelp and jump from the couch. "Shut up you stupid tiger." Jimin hissed. 

I frowned even harder, they did so much for me I shouldn't expect that they would tell me everything. Despite the growing bond I felt between us, I still wasn't really a part of their world. Seokjin was, only because he was Namjoon's mate. I wasn't even sure what I was still doing here except that they all freaked out when I mentioned leaving. And I was a coward, I didn't want to leave.

"It's not like that Yoojin." Jimin said after a strained silence. 

"We were all just a little shocked when you arrived." Jungkook said, sounding both bewildered and sympathetic. 

"Jimin carried you to Jinie, all bloody and covered in cuts and bruises." Taehyung added, he sounded impressed with his friend and horrified by my state the first time I must have met any of them. I smiled a little to myself, remembering my first impression of the smiley fox with his mochi cheeks. "It was a little chaotic for the first few nights, all of us scrambled to help Jin in whatever way we could."

"We have a system," Jungkook's quiet voice spoke next. "Hybrids alert us about possible danger toward us or the people we protect. Since we received no warnings." He shrugged and trailed off, uncertain what to say next. 

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