Chapter Eighteen

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Taehyung felt good, tucked into his cozy covers and holding something that was both soft and warm at the same time. He snuggled it closer, breathing deeply. The scent of flowers were in the air, filling his lungs and making his brain fuzzy. He sort of liked the feeling, it was like hitting the bottom of a hill in a roller coaster, when he wasn't sure if he was falling or flying. He brushed his face against her hair, loving the way she fit so nicely into his arms. He shrugged against the tiny alarm going off in his head, this felt right. She felt like his.

Yoojin fidgeted in her sleep, moving closer to Taehyung and nuzzling against his neck. He purred and let a sleepy smile take over his face as he tried to drift back to sleep. He had all the time in the world and he had her, life had never been more perfect. But now that his mind was awake it insisted on thinking thoughts that only made Taehyung frown. 

He'd been standing in the living room with Jungkook, both of them had been tired from arguing but Jungkook wanted to play a game. A game he would win, because he always won. Taehyung wouldn't say he was feeling petty, but he was trying to make rules that would even out their skills. That is when he heard Yoojin yell something from Hobi's room and the two hybrids in the living room grew quiet. Taehyung started to talk about nonsense, he didn't want to accidentally over hear what they were saying.

He frowned and wrapped his other arm around her waist, Hobi should not have been mean to Yoojin - he would have to have a talk with the panther. He looked furious as he stormed out of his room, his eyes red and flashing like thunder, his shoulders stiff and movements hasty. Hoseok didn't look at either Taehyung or Jungkook, he just stomped around the couch and threw the door open, nearly taking it off the hinges. Then he was gone, a moment later a furious roar filled the air. After that both Jungkook and Taehyung decided it would be best if they went to bed, tomorrow would only bring another set of problems. 

Then he was looking at her pretty face, beautiful like an angel surrounded by moonlight. She looked so sad and small, but not her body; her person. She looked like she'd been shredded and crushed. Like a normal person reduced to the size of an ant expected to live a regular life. It hurt his heart and he can't remember why he told her no at first. It was only right that she come to him when she was sad, he would do anything to make her happy.

Taehyung remembered the exact moment he woke to an unusual sound, sniffling and a sorrow that coated the air in tiny rain clouds. He knew he shouldn't be close to her, but he couldn't remember why and in that moment it didn't matter. It took him another second to realize that she wasn't awake, she was crying in her sleep. The corners of her mouth pulled down and lines etched into her brows. Her eyes were puffy and red as tears slid out of them and down the side of her head. Taehyung couldn't help himself, he wrapped her in his arms and pulled her close. 

Now she was snuggled against him, a hand gripping his shirt and her leg thrown over both of his. He didn't know what paradise was, but this must be it. He examined her face, feeling all dizzy and fuzzy, as he leaned down to press his lips softly against the side of her head. She was perfect in every way. His smile was radiant until he heard a whimper from her mouth, a barely audible utterance. 

She called for Hobi and everything slammed into place for the tiger. 

He was intoxicated by her scent, snuggling up to his alpha's mate like a freshly born kit. He frowned, fighting the pull as his heart argued that if Hobi want to hold her, Yoojin wouldn't be in his room in the first place. He pushed those thoughts aside and gently extracted himself from her, tucking the blankets back around her before tiptoeing from the bedroom. It was still hard to walk away, knowing what drew him and made him feel like he was in love ... knowing it was all a lie, didn't make the frown that etched across his face any less real. 

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