Chapter Sixteen

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Jin scowled uselessly at his mate, crossing his arms over his chest as anger heaved from his lungs. Namjoon watched him with vexatious calm, knowing his logic was sound despite Jin's vehement protests. 

"She's my baby sister!" He hissed, stepping closer to the wolf. Namjoon was leaning so casually against the door that Jin wanted to hit him. It wasn't fair that he could be so upset that he couldn't see straight and his mate didn't even seem to flinch.

"She is an adult, Jin." Namjoon countered, his voice level as he raised an eyebrow at Jin. Infuriating the man further. "You cannot protect her by keeping this from her, not after what happened yesterday. She has a right to know."

"Know what, exactly?" Jin demanded, surprising Namjoon by the calm tone of his voice. But he could still see the enraged flashing of Jin's eyes. "That she is being hunted not only by a deranged alpha but by a long lost grandparent we knew nothing about? Both of whom want to use her for their own means without a care about how it will affect her life? Or would you rather I tell her Hobi is her mate and all freedom will be taken from her in a different way? Which is the solution you imagine will provide the best possible outcome?" Jin snapped near the end, irate and running his hands through his hair. 

Namjoon stiffened at his comment, hurt flashing across his topaz eyes. His expression narrowed and closed as the silence collected between them. Finally he was no longer able to push the question and all the meanings it could have, aside. "What are you implying when you say learning she has a mate will steal her freedom?"

Jin started at his words, some of the anger coloring his cheeks fled as he turned sharply toward Namjoon. "Not like that, never that." His voice was soft with remorse and he closed the distance between them, leaning his entire weight on Namjoon. He pushed his toes a little higher and pressed his lips quickly against his mates.

Namjoon was not satisfied by this and gripped the other man's shoulders, holding him close as he lengthened the kiss. Languidly brushing his lips against Jin's until the older man whimpered against him. Finally satisfied with Jin's surrender, Namjoon pulled away to allow his mate to finish his thought.

Jin sighed and rested his head against Namjoon's chest, breathing deeply while he tried to focus. "It's just ..." He wrapped his arms around the taller man's waist and let the calming scent of his mate's woodsy smell envelope him. "She already feels out of place, a stranger amongst our family. She wants to leave and live independently but she is afraid. What is she going to do when she realizes she can't? Hobi is her mate and I get that in your world he has his rights to her, but we weren't raised to feel like that. What if she chafes under the control and it all goes to hell?"

Namjoon chuckled darkly as he hugged Jin to him, thinking. After a few minutes he spoke, knowing his words were as true as they could be. "Her place is with us, even if she doesn't see it yet. She feels like a burden because she doesn't understand the dynamic. I know she wants to leave, but I don't think it is for her benefit but ours. Besides," He kissed the top of Jin's head before pulling him back so he could look in Jin's pretty eyes, "I think she really likes Hobi."

"Everyone really likes Hobi." Jin pouted, refusing to acknowledge the true meaning of Namjoon's words.

Namjoon bit his lip, trying to keep a smile from his face at his mate's cute antics. "She deserves to know about the old alpha, Jin. Yesterday was too close. What would have happened if Hobi didn't find her in time? I shudder to think. And she is like a lamb to the slaughter, wandering helplessly without realizing it. Don't tell her about Hobi, don't mention the other alpha, not at least until we can explain why his scent is all over our city. But tell her about the other dangers we are facing."

"Fine." Jin said, pushing his lips out and looking miserable. "I will."

"Good boy." Namjoon winked before pushing them both away from the door and turning to open it. "Look," he said without looking, "she's here waiting for you."

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