Chapter Seven

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"Seokjin?" I asked, the question flowing like a rush of wind out of my mouth. I looked down in confusion as his hand gently gripped my arm. I heard the heart monitor a second later, beeping erratically and it made the pounding in my head pronounce itself like an unwanted guest. I winced and brought my free hand to my face, pressing my temple and trying to banish it.

"Are you feeling well?" He asked, his voice calm despite the desperate way he still clung to me. I looked at him in confusion, my tired mind still trying to piece together the last thirty seconds. He looked shyly at his hand and spoke, his voice carrying easily over the small distance between us. "You were shaking and whimpering, your heart rate kicked up to a dangerous level."

Red eyes flashed in my mind and I gulped, not sure what to tell him. Did he even know about that stuff? "Oh," I said, looking down and picking at the fabric under my fingers. "I must have been dreaming or something." I said with a noncommittal shrug. 

Since the first time I woke up, Seokjin has been by my side each time my eyes have fluttered open. I didn't know how long I've been lying like this or where I was, he never answered my questions, he only gave me more pain medicine and let me fall asleep.

"Hmm ..." Seokjin tipped his head in thought. "Do you often have nightmares?"

I forced myself to think before this occurrence, what I suffered now weren't nightmares, they were memories. "No," I said honestly. "I think I'm suffering a little trauma because ..." I gestured to all of me, still uncertain of what he knew. 

My eye sight was back to normal, the cuts and bruises healed on my face, although my brother warned that I would carry a scar on my chin after he put in thirteen stitches. My abdomen still ached and was colored a sickly green shade. The worst were the broken ribs and bandaged shoulder. I didn't like my mind to linger on that for too long. 

Seokjin nodded and reached for my hand again, I was thankful he stopping stacking so many blankets on me so I didn't feel like a mountain was crushing me. "What do you remember?" I looked at him dubiously, biting my lip and thinking through what I could afford to tell him. He sighed deeply and played with my fingers. "Yoojin ... Bunny, I know what attacked you."

"You do?" I asked, feeling weak and closer to tears than I have been since I woke in the first place. Would he think less of me because I attracted such things? I didn't understand it, but I know it left a sinking, disgusting feeling in my stomach - like I was tainted somehow. "I'm sorry, oppa." I said, my voice small as I bit my lip to keep it from trembling. 

"Don't be sorry Bunny," He said softly as he scooched closer and tucked more hair behind my ear. He looked over his shoulder nervously and then met my gaze with the same hesitant look I was treating him too. "My boyfriend ... well ... uhm, he is a hybrid too." He said sheepishly.

I held my breath at his words, I hadn't known that he even liked boys let alone had a boyfriend. I didn't care but it hurt that he hasn't told me. Then the rest of his sentence caught up with my frazzled mind and I frowned - deeply. "Seokjin... Did he," I paused and swallowed the lump in my throat to push the words out. "Did he force you?"

Seokjin frowned, wincing as he looked back toward the bedroom door, which I noticed for the first time was slightly ajar. Then he shook his head and squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Namjoon isn't like that." I would not have believed his words, my experience telling me completely different, if it hadn't been for the way his words and his face softened at the mention of the man. "The boys aren't like that."

The warm feeling that started in my heart at his loving mention of his boyfriends name froze as more news broke though my drug induced haze - surely I was still having a nightmare. "Boys?" I asked, eyeing the doorway with fright.

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