Chapter Twenty Nine

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A/N: Since that last one was a doozy and we are SOOOOO close to the end it hurts, I decided to give you a present! Early updates and probably more over the course of the week. We have two chapters go and we are at the end. I really hope you've enjoyed my craziness and it hasn't made you too mad. 💜😘

Plus: THEY BEAUTIFUL AND I AM DyInG with anticipation!! Why isn't it the 2oth yet?!?!

Plus: THEY BEAUTIFUL AND I AM DyInG with anticipation!! Why isn't it the 2oth yet?!?!

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Taehyung tried to ignore the pounding of his heart and focus. Out of his brothers, he was the least experienced when it came to fighting for the sake of fighting. Not just settling a few rowdy hybrids down but actual war. He was trying not to be nervous because then he would make everyone nervous and that really wouldn't be good. 

He just had to wait here with Jimin, wait until Yoongi said it was safe. Then they would take Yoojin away and make her safe. Taehyung hated this plan, hated it so much that he didn't even want to come until he realized they would go with or without him.

He scowled at the back of Jimin's head, frustrated and nervous. 

"Something is wrong." Jin said, poking his head out of the back seat of the car. His hair was messed up and his clothes slightly rumpled but he refused to apologize for the state of his appearance. It was a result of a goodbye from Namjoon that none of them wanted to say but all of them knew was a last goodbye. 

Taehyung shook that thought from his head as well, he couldn't let things like that settle in his mind and take root. He had to believe because that is what Hobi said he had to do. "It is fine." He found himself saying, contradicting his own thoughts. "It might be just a little difficult to find the place or something."

"The air is weird in this city." Jimin commented, lifting his nose into the air and shaking his whole head a second later. "Weirder than before." When he was finally finished reacting to the wolf's scent, there was water in his eyes and the tip of his nose was slightly red. 

Taehyung smiled despite the fear and uncertainty and used his finger to gently touch the tip of the fox's nose. "You're so cute Jiminie." He said affectionately as he rested his entire person over Jimin's back. He didn't want to think about how everything they'd been through in the last few days could have gone so horribly wrong. He didn't like those thoughts, they were deep and scary. Instead he focused on the warmth and the slightly mountainous smell that enveloped Jimin now.

It was strange but made Taehyung even happier when he realized that Yoongi's scent was stronger on Jimin now than it had ever been before. Sometimes Taehyung couldn't distinguish between the two of them by scent alone. It made him feel proud to know his friend was loved so wholly. And that was a lot more fun to think about than what would have happened if Yoongi's stubbornness had lost against the hunter and the hybrids who attacked Jimin in the hall. 

"Why hasn't Yoongi called you?" Jin demanded again, his voice rising slightly as the hysteria that rested just on the edge of all of their control seeped into his words. 

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