Chapter Eleven

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I sat down with a huff, spilling a pile of laundry from Taehyung's bed to the floor. I tried not to show my surprise of displeasure when I walked into the apartment across the hall and noticed the general mess. It wasn't filthy with rotting food and garbage lying everywhere, but there was laundry littered all over the floor and a sink full of dishes. The rooms were dark and seemed almost dingy, like they hadn't had a good cleaning in ages. It almost made my skin crawl, thinking of the things that could be living in the mess. 

I looked over to the blue curtains that covered the windows in Taehyung's room, I knew even if I wanted to, I couldn't kill any creature within these walls. There was a nasty looking spider with a white furry butt and bright red legs that lived in a large web just beyond his window. He introduced me, said he named it Gaemi and it was one of his best friends. I sighed as I looked back at the door to his room, shaking the fear from my body. I hated spiders. But I liked Taehyung and his weird and awesome way of looking at the world. So I wouldn't kill his friends. 

Unless they came near me. Then all bets were off. 

My tour of the second apartment was rushed as night fell outside and Taehyung had to hurry to his duty. I was surprised by the differences, for some odd reason I thought the apartments would be the same. There were three rooms in this apartment, two to the right of the living room and one to the left. The kitchen was smaller and the living room bigger. Taehyung told me they each had their own bathrooms as well as a bathroom in the hall leading to Hoseok's room. Jungkook slept across the small hallway from Taehyung's room. 

I stood from the bed, feeling awkward and restless. I didn't sleep well at all last night after Hoseok sent me away. The nightmares were troubling but more often than not I found myself swimming in the hurt look of betrayal I saw in Hoseok's eyes. I really don't know what I did to make him hate me, I wish he wouldn't. I sighed and moved around the stuffy room, avoiding the collection of unique collectables and stacks of comic books. 

Taehyung said that all three of them would be gone from this apartment until the morning. Jimin and Yoongi were probably just as tired as Seokjin looked because they have been up most nights covering patrols and then spending time with me during the day. 

I felt really bad, I wasn't trying to make their lives difficult. Part of me thought that if I was going to run - now would be the time. I knew I should. I knew it was only a matter of time before the wolf came after me. I still heard his voice in my head every night, his flashing red eyes followed me through my dreams and leaked into my waking days. I didn't want them to get hurt because of me. Despite myself, I really liked them ... well most of them.

Namjoon unnerved me with his intelligent, predatory eyes and shifting menacing smile. I shook the thoughts from my head, he wasn't predatory or menacing. He actually seemed pretty sweet earlier, his fear of me breaking through the sheet of terror that gripped me the moment I heard Taehyung call his name in the hallway. And I knew my brother loved him, loved him more dearly than anything in the world. That alone was merit enough to have me try to force my judgement and fear away. As best as I could anyway. 

So I should leave, cease causing them anymore trouble or pain, but I was too afraid. Even during the day I felt eyes on me, fear crawling from the ground to form an icy pit in my stomach. I knew they were out there and I knew they still wanted me. My pride wanted to be independent but my panic wanted to stay nestled within the false bubble of safety for just a little while longer. 

But I could be of some use, I thought as I swiped some laundry from the floor. Jimin won't let me clean or do laundry or even cook, but it didn't appear the other three hybrid's felt the same need for cleanliness as the fox. I wasn't going to sleep anyway so I might as well make myself useful. 

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