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A/N: So this is the end, for real... (*/ω\*)

Jungkook groaned as he tossed himself backwards, letting the soft cushions of the big couch hug his sore muscles. He wasn't used to being sore but he'd been packing and moving for the last week on top of patrolling nearly every night. He grimaced with a snort of dark humor, now that he was the only one of them without a mate, it always seemed to be his turn. 

"Yah, Kookie," Jin demanded from the large kitchen near the back of the house, his face obscured by mountains of dishes. "Don't throw yourself on the couch like a sack of potatoes." He commanded with a slight look of annoyance. 

"But hyung," Jungkook whined soberly, flexing his shoulders and pouting for all he was worth. "I'm so sore."

"Aw," Jimin said, poking his head out from the hallway, his hair pushed away from his face with a white bandana as his muscles flexed around a heavy box he held against his chest. "Is our baby Kookie tired?" He wondered, his smile slightly mocking but it didn't deafen the concern in his eyes.

Jungkook scowled at him for a moment and then nodded his head as he heard Jin moving around the maze to come check on him. "Tell me." Jin said with a commanding voice, changing his demeanor so much that it still slightly unnerved Jungkook. 

He punched his coiled muscles of his shoulder and pouted more. He wasn't used to all of the activity and the lack of attention. He agreed that they should move, that the old apartment didn't work for their growing family. But between the craziness of the packing, trying to find how they all worked together as one and patrolling, he was feeling a little neglected. Before he could turn to Tae and make the tiger take care of him but now with Hyeji there ... no one had time for him. 

Jin frowned at him for a second before he stepped behind the couch and pulled Jungkook back, rubbing his shoulders and neck with care. For some reason this made the youngest want to cry. He missed being their baby.

It was relaxing for a few minutes, Jungkook just closed his eyes and let it all go. Then a crash from upstairs shocked all of them. Jungkook popped his eyes open to see that Jimin was still standing there and now all of their eyes were fixed on the staircase that led to the second floor. 

"I didn't mean ..." They heard Namjoon say, remorseful and contrite. 

"Don't worry about it Joonie." Yoojin said happily, her joyful voice travelling through the house and putting a smile on all of their faces. 

Jungkook looked up at Jin and couldn't help the twinge of longing that momentarily gripped his heart at the soft way Jin's face changed. He loved them all but his sister held a special place in his heart that none of the rest of them would ever be able to touch. 

Jungkook didn't begrudge them that, after everything that they were put through together and separately, they deserved that bond. He just wondered what it would be like to be loved like that. 

He had his brothers and he knew they loved him, he could feel it in the air and like a constant hug around his heart. He also knew he had Yoojin to thank for that, although he didn't understand any better than any of them. But he wanted to know what it was like to be that one special person to someone. 

"No," Hoseok said loudly with a slight inflection of panic. "Let me get that. Why don't you go help Jin?" He asked, trying to sound helpful. 

Jin grimaced and shook his head. "I swear I married a god of destruction." He muttered under his breath as he stepped away from Jungkook. 

"Are all of your boxes in your room?" Jimin asked, still peering at Jungkook with concern on his face. Jungkook just nodded. He had the least amount of stuff to pack and unpack. "Why don't you go for a walk or something? I'll help Jinie cook dinner and we can all eat together." He offered kindly. 

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