Chapter Twenty Five

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I shivered as the decision settled over me, the knowledge that if I was going to do this, I had to do it now

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I shivered as the decision settled over me, the knowledge that if I was going to do this, I had to do it now. I looked down at the bed where my brother lie. He looked like he was sleeping peacefully, his chest gently rising and falling and a serene look on his handsome face. 

But my mind refused to forget the images of the night before. His body covered in blood and bruises, the look of pain and shocked disbelief as the horrible hybrid skewered him. I shook my head, my vision being obscured by a sheen of tears. 

I knew what I had to do, I just didn't know if I could.

I stayed by Seokjin's side until I heard the other's leaving the apartment. I knew they were going to deal with the ones that attacked us, in whatever way they could. But it wasn't their battle. I knew it changed, somehow, when I found out that Hobi was my mate but I wasn't willing to let that psycho wolf hurt anyone else I loved. He made his point clearly, I wasn't safe anywhere and more importantly, the people I loved weren't safe. I am not a helpless little girl content to sit back and let other people fight for me.

I took a few minutes to settle my brain and my heart, forcing calm into them despite where my path now led. I sighed and pushed the fear away, choosing my family and those I loved over myself wasn't scary, it was just right. 

I stepped closer to Seokjin and watched him for a second longer. I always loved him, always envied him for getting away from our toxic mother and life. Now that I've had the chance ot really get to know him, I don't think I could have loved him more. 

I leaned down and carefully kissed his forehead. "I love you, Jinie." I said softly, forcing all of the love I could into the statement and gesture. I hoped that my words reached wherever his mind was. 

I turned and left the room before I could stop myself, I knew I only had so much time. Namjoon was sitting quietly on the couch, almost exactly as he was when I first entered the room. His eyes were closed and he looked like he'd simply fallen asleep. 

As soon as I took a step toward him, however, his looked directly at me. I could see the fire behind his weakened gaze and it only made the aching wrongness of my presence here feel worse. "Joonie?" I asked, feeling small and useless. 

The nickname surprised him, making a gentle smile cover his face as he turned slowly to face me. "What is it?" His voice was soft, the whisper taking a great deal of effort.

I felt my heart squeeze once more. "You look tired." I said, clearing my throat and forcing my confession of the stupid thing I was about to do back down my throat. 

His smile faltered for a second as his focus turned to the door behind me. "Healing is hard work." He answered after a moment. 

"Come on silly wolf." I nearly choked on the word but I shook my head to disguise it. "I'll help you lie down." I walked over to him, more confident around him than I had been since I'd met him. It wasn't even that I didn't think he could hurt me, I knew just from watching the hybrids together that Namjoon was one of the strongest in a group of the strongest. It was more that I finally found that acorn of trust in my heart for him, I knew without a doubt that he would never hurt me or my brother. This knowledge made it easier to do what I needed to do, Namjoon would take care of Seokjin and Hobi, and all the rest. 

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