Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: Y'all, I cannot handle this comeback. The song is so happy and well done and I think the boys did an amazing job with the hype of the song. And, as always, Hobi is the best lol (can't convince me otherwise, but I do love the other boys so don't come at me.)

No, no, no, no. It couldn't be true.

My head was blank beyond these words, unable even to contemplate the reason they raced through my mind. I pushed my body faster, running with all the strength and determination that I had. Running from the reality of what I just learned.

No, I shook my head again. It was early morning and the streets were filled with people walking to their daily lives. They smiled at one another, called greetings to familiar faces or stuffed food into their mouths as they hurried to work. One of them grunted something less than charitable when I ran into their shoulder, nearly knocking us both off our feet. I bobbed my head in apology and just kept running.

I wasn't even sure where I was going, the only thing that mattered was that I was going away. Putting as much distance between myself and that apartment as my feeble human legs could. I skated around a corner and burst down a street with less people, covering more ground when I didn't have to dodge around everyone on their morning commute.

Then I felt him, and I gritted my teeth in annoyance, pumping my arms and legs as I desperately tried to make it out of his range. It was pointless, I could already tell his powerful body closed the gap between us quickly. I couldn't help the frantic flight of my mind as anger battled with a sense of disbelief. 

I grabbed a lamppost and used it to whip myself into a narrow alley between two high buildings. It was nothing but a dead end and my rational mind cursed, but the part of my brain that controlled me right now was not rational, just functioning on instincts.

I needed to escape.

I hit the flat wall at the end of the alley with a hard thump and bounced backward, ready to fall to my rear and cry until I became nothing to anyone at any time. I didn't stumble or fall, instead strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me hard against a muscled chest. He said nothing as he held me close, his chest heaving while he caught his breath. I hated that my body instantly wanted to relax, to fall to the power he held over me.

"Let me go." I said harshly, tugging against Hoseok's grip and wiggling with all the feeble energy I had left. It was so pathetic that even I laughed at myself.

"I'm sorry." He said sorrowfully, his voice pleading as his head rested against my shoulder.

I struggled more, feeling worse than trapped and hunted. Now I was a fool. "Please just let me think." I begged, softening despite my resolve.

Hoseok nodded but took another few seconds to release me from his grasp, almost as if he couldn't. He held his arms out away from me but didn't back up, I flattened myself back against the wall, pressing my burning skin to the cool stone-like surface. 

"It's not safe out here," He stated, calm and collected once more. I frowned when not a single thread of emotion danced over his words. "We should head back home and talk."

"No," I said vehemently, my brain still racing. "No, I want to stay here and I want you to leave me alone."

"Yoojin," He stated carefully, I winced at the emptiness, my name didn't sound the same any longer, "I can't just leave you exposed like this, it is dangerous."

"As dangerous as lying to me for weeks about what you are?" I demanded angrily, reeling still to such a degree that I couldn't even tell which direction was up. He touched my shoulder and I jerked away from him. "I want to be alone." I said more desperately, tears coming to my voice as I struggled to stop them by squeezing my eyes shut.

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