Chapter Twenty Three

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"Hobi!" The door to the room burst open and Taehyung stumbled inside, carrying with him a cloud of uncertainty.

Hoseok growled, losing control of his temper at this lost moment and leaning his forehead against Yoojin's. He could feel her cheeks heating in embarrassment as the remorse literally flew off Taehyung in waves the moment the tiger realized what he was interrupting. 

"What is it Tae?" Hoseok asked, despite his considerable effort both annoyance and disappointment crept into his tone.

"Oh my gosh," Taehyung said, his entire face coloring as he hid his head behind the opened door. "I am soooo sorry." He squeaked, his voice cracking like he was hitting puberty again. "It is just Namjoon is waking up, you said to get you when he did... I should have knocked. I'm sorry, I didn't think. I'll leave now."

"Taehyung." Hoseok called, stopping him just before the door closed all the way. Taehyung nervously popped his head back into the room and looked resolutely at Hoseok, refusing to acknowledge Yoojin's presence. Despite his remorse and general feeling of being an unintended asshole, Taehyung hadn't gotten the chance to apologize to Yoojin directly since the incident. "Tell Namjoon we will be there in a moment."

Taehyung nodded, his large eyes straying to the girl for a moment before he scampered away.

Hoseok sighed heavily but released his hold on Yoojin's face, acknowledging both to himself and his panther that the moment had passed. He couldn't get up with her still in his lap and he was content for a moment to just rest. Then his anger pulled another growl from the center of his chest, man and beast protesting hotly. "I'm going to kill him."

Yoojin giggled and pressed another chaste kiss to his cheek before disentangling herself from his lap. She pulled him to his feet and then folded herself into his arms, wrapping hers around his middle and snuggling into his chest. 

"We will have other opportunities." There was something distant about her voice when she said that, almost as if she didn't believe they would. But Hoseok just shook his head and hugged her close for a moment, she was probably only disappointed like he was. "Hobi?" She asked, her face turned into his shirt as he looked down at her, amused by the way she clung to him.

"What is it baby?" He asked softly, his arms rubbing up and down her shoulders as the same dominating feeling overcame him. His panther was demanding that they mark her now but it wasn't right. They had to remove the wolf's mark first.

She smiled shyly at his use of the pet name as she stared up into his face. "I need you to talk to Namjoon about that day with Seokjin, tell him everything you told me. I don't know if you know this, but they all love you and respect you. I think maybe this burden you've carried around for all these years is only a burden to you. It would be nice to clear that up, don't you think?"

"I'm not sure now is the right time?" Hoseok said defensively.

"When will be the right time?" She countered, raising a brow at him and making him feel like this was going to be the first of many, many arguments she was going to win. He smiled despite himself and shook his head, affirming that he would do as she asked. 

"Come on," She said, wrapping her fingers around his hand and pulling him toward the door. When they reached the door to the apartment she hesitated, her fear clouding every other sensation Hoseok had. 

"What's wrong?" Hoseok asked, his tone deep with concern as the color drained from her face and she shook her head violently, squeezing his hand and slamming her eyes shut. He considered the door for a moment before a thought crossed his mind. He turned to her and gently pulled her face close, pressing his lips against the coolness of her forehead. "You can stay here, if you aren't feeling up to it."

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