Chapter Twenty Eight

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I watched them from across the room, my lungs burning and my head pounding as I held my breath and waited. Hobi was bleeding from several small cuts along his face and arms, he held the arm that wasn't wrapped around the wolf's neck close to his chest. His skin was covered in sweat and growing darker as deep bruises formed. 

I wanted him to be done with it simply because I couldn't really believe that after the show of strength and power that the wolf put on that this was it. That it could end this easily. It felt like a trick but I couldn't help but wish and hope and felt my heart surge into the highest regions of the atmosphere at the possibility of having a life with Hobi. 

Finally, with a shuttering breath, the wolf's eyes rolled into the back of his head and his body went limp. Hobi removed his hand, almost in shock, as his eyes stayed on the body as he slowly, agonizingly pulled himself to his feet. His legs were shaking with the effort and his hair was disheveled and sticking out all over his head at odd angles. He looked ragged like he'd been fighting for much longer than the short about of time. I could only breathe heavily as I watched him walking slowly toward me. 

It was over and somehow, impossibly, Hobi was standing and the wolf was dead. I swallowed as I fought for control over my heart. I wanted to cry and fall apart and lie everything I'd been through in the last few days at Hobi's feet. I wanted to wrap him in my arms and never let go. I wanted to see my brother and my family. 

I wanted to go home.

I sucked in a harsh breath, wrestling with the tears and elations when he finally stopped in front of me. 

His beat up face was soft with wonder and love, a fierce smile fighting through the pain and uncertainty. His smile, despite the situation, made my heart pitter patter in my chest. He said nothing as we watched each other, feeling like we were caught in a time bubble and still tentative to break it. 

He reached over and carefully unwound the razor wire from my neck, wincing for me as the extent of my injuries in that area came to light. Then he brushed his slender fingers through my hair and his desperation was hard to miss as he lightly squeezed my head and brought his forehead to rest against mine. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, the air shaking from his lips as he exhaled. 

I closed my eyes and leaned into him as well, wishing my arms were free so I could hold him closely. This would have to do for the moment and I felt tears gathering in my eyes as happiness bloomed in my chest and I didn't try to fight it down. Hobi fought and won and we were free. 

He was mine and we were free.

He kissed me gently, briefly brushing his lips against mine, hesitant because of our injuries. He cupped my face and wiped my tears away as I finally opened my eyes and looked into the deep, pretty brown of his. A smile bloomed over my face, coming from the depths of my soul and stretching to the ends of time. This angel, this perfect hope angel, was my mate. My perfect match and as silly as it seemed, he loved me too.

"The others will be here soon." He whispered, his voice low and exhausted, "we should ..."

His words were cut off with a wet sputtering sound as his eyes grew large in shock. I moved my head back as far as I could, confused an afraid as my gaze scanned his body. Four claws protruded through his chest, right were his heart was located, dripping his blood onto my lap. I didn't have time to react before his body was thrown away from me, hitting a nearby column like a ragdoll until he slid to the floor with a dead, echoing thump. 

Time seemed to slow down as I watched him, ignoring the monster in front of me but no matter how long I stared, he was still. His fingers didn't twitch, his chest didn't raise and a coldness seeped into my bones and soul, robbing me of everything. 

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