Chapter Twelve

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A/N: I love this soft, happy boy 💜

Hoseok paused, lifting his panther head into the air and sniffing. He hissed a little as he forced air through his nose, depositing his scent into the space around him. He could smell the other alpha. He looked down the street when he heard a nearby door open, the human taking out his trash at the start of a long day. The human saw him or felt his eyes, because he looked warily in his direction. After a second or two, Hoseok wondered if the human had something to report, he just bowed his head in recognition and hurried back into his house.

It was easier, Hoseok thought as he released more of his scent, to mark his territory clearly now that the human's knew about hybrids. He started moving again, letting the power of his panther seep from his paws and into the ground. It felt good to be out in the night again, the wind he created as he bound through the long streets and miles of city he had to cover each night, ruffling the black fur that covered his body.

He was powerful and fast, he luxuriated in the feel of his muscles bunching and releasing under his skin as he sprang forward. The simple, instinctual joy of running without the clumsy limitations of his human body was one of the few things Hoseok treasured about being a hybrid. 

He slowed his gait, sniffing the air and growling into the dark alley. The hybrid, a small man with the ears of a house cat, turned guiltily toward Hoseok and mewled low in his throat. Hoseok stepped closer, letting his anticipation and anger fill him, he was ready for a fight, almost disappointed that he hadn't had one since returning to the streets.

He opened his mouth and roared lightly into the wind, a warning. He wasn't going to attack simply because he wanted to, the hybrid actually had to break their laws first. It was only fair if the panther gave him a chance to change his mind. The man flattened his ears against his head and with a pop, an orange tabby cat raced between Hoseok's feet and out of the alleyway.

Hoseok sniffed the air again, the cat was marking his territory but the smell wasn't as difficult to deal with as the other alphas. He blew harshly through his nose and then continued on his path. The sun was going to rise soon and Hoseok was wary, he'd been pushing himself to the limit for weeks and running as long and as far as he did in the last two days only compounded that feeling. It was good to be back out because he dreaded being at home.

His fury toward the wolf alpha thrummed through his veins like war drums, pounding in his head like a declaration. He pushed his body further and faster, using his anger to force the weakness from his muscles. The further into the city he went, the less it smelled like him and Hoseok knew his job was not nearly done. He's been running almost nonstop since he sent Yoojin back to her bed the night before. 

He slowed and let the lethargy overcome him, he wanted to just lay in the street and never move again. He never succumbed to self-loathing before, not to this degree anyway but there was a part of his mind and soul that could not help but to hate what he was just a little. 

Yoojin was afraid of him because he was this monster, a magical anomaly that for all intents and purposes ruined her life. If he was just a man none of this would have happen, she wouldn't fear him or hate him. Hell, she wouldn't have been in danger ... He sighed and allowed his body to change back into the clumsy human form.

He brushed his fingers through his wind tussled hair and felt the overall exhaustion nearly topple him right where he stood. He didn't have the strength or energy to take another step. He leaned carefully against the stone exterior of a small restaurant and let himself sink slowly to his butt. 

He was certain he wouldn't feel so tired if his heart didn't react to her so strongly, every little look or touch brought hope shining on his lonely existence. Then he would fuck it all up by being more beast than man and scaring her. Her rejection felt like dragging his already bruised and bloody heart across hot coals, searing the fearful look into his memory.

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