Chapter Twenty One

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"Seokjin, what does he mean?" I asked, eyeing the door and trying very hard to push the encroaching panic to a manageable level. I looked away and stared hard at my brother. Seokjin had gone pale under his normally warm tones, his lips losing all color as his eyes got large in his face. He shook his head slightly, gulping a few times before he could force his gaze to meet mine. "What is happening?"

"It is a full moon." He said by way of explanation. I could see the sheen of sweat break out on his ashen face as his breathing grew shallow. "The hybrids tend to get more rowdy during this time of the month."

"Hybrids have a period?" I asked incredulously, trying and failing to inject humor into the situation. My brother just nodded his head gravely. "Is Jimin the only one here?" I asked, realizing for the first time that was probably true. 

"I don't know," Seokjin admitted, his voice leveling slightly as the silence outside of the room and apartment remained intact. "Hobi and Yoongi usually patrol on the nights of the full moon. Namjoon went out tonight because Yoongi was too tired. But they have a system," He said, speaking now more to reassure himself than me, "if something goes wrong. They have ways to call for help. Everything will be fine." Seokjin said, giving me a small, unconvincing smile. 

"What do we do?" I asked, my eyes straying back to the door as I slowly lifted myself to my feet.

"Nothing." He answered.

"We can't sit here and do nothing." I responded back angrily. There was a fear creeping slowly across the floor. A terror I knew all too well and it nearly overwhelmed me with the need to run. 

The wolf, he was here and he was looking for me. 

I gulped and pushed the panic away. It would get me nowhere and running wasn't something I could do right now. 

"What would you have me do?" He asked hotly, a little color returning to his cheek as he stood angrily, staring at me with his jaw stuck forward. 

"Something." I retorted, only half my mind was focused on the problem of making my brother see reason. The other half gripped onto the feeling of the wolf in my mind and on my skin. I slept for only an hour since returning to the apartment yesterday night. In that hour I had a string of nightmares regarding the wolf. All of which made me feel as weak and helpless as when I first woke up. I refused to sleep again and now I won't allow that power hungry psycho to win.

I reached out to grab the handle but Seokjin's large hand gripped around my wrist, his face close to my ear as he hissed. "What are you doing, Bunny? We would only distract Jimin or the others, a distraction that could get them more hurt. I know you hate hearing this, I hate saying it, but we are only human. Sometimes not fighting is the greatest way to protect our family."

"I won't." I stated with a sense of calm and determination that I had no idea of where it came from. "This is my fight, not theirs, and I won't be upset if you stay put. But I refuse to wait for someone else to solve my problems for me."

"I won't lose you again." He said stubbornly, his grip tightening as he pulled me away from the door. "The boys are strong and skilled, whatever is out there doesn't stand a chance against them. Please, Bunny, you have to believe that this is the best we can do."

I looked at him carefully, noticing the deep lines around his mouth and between his brows. His lower lip was stuck out and his entire body was shaking, the fear he felt ... it wasn't just for us but his mate and friends. So I stepped closer, wrapping him in a tight hug. I opened my mouth to agree with him when a loud crash tore through the apartment and shook the walls. 

My head whipped toward the door and ever pressing fear. "I'm sorry Seokjin, I have to."

I ripped myself away from my brother and flung the door open. At first what I saw only confused me more. It seemed like nothing was out of place, the curtains blew softly in the wind and not a single sound disturbed the peace surrounding me. Then I noticed the couch was moved a few inches closer to the windows than normal.

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