Chapter Twenty Four

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A/N: Surprise early drop cause I'mma be busy this weekend. Hope y'all are gonna watch that concert! It's going to be amazing and I am soooooooooooo excited. Also it's on my birthday so yay me! lol 😁😜

Yoongi looked around, his nose picking up the scent left from the fleeing human and three hybrids. It was tinged with fear and pain, and anger. He snorted and continued to move through the twilit streets, conserving his energy. Part of him wanted to rush to battle and quickly win back his mate, but another part of his mind was reluctant. 

Jimin was different, he smelled different and even the way he regarded Yoongi wasn't the same. It unnerved Yoongi and he was afraid that simply killing the bastard who tried to mark him wouldn't be enough.

Yoongi shook his head and pushed forward, he couldn't let those dark thoughts cloud his mind until after he dealt with the idiots who not only threatened his family but had the nerve to hurt them as well. 

Yoongi didn't know he could feel such fear and he wasn't willing to find out if he could survive another dose. He would find them and kill them and everything would go back to normal. Or as normal as his life would ever be. He chuckled darkly in his mind, washing the tension from his muscles with practiced ease. He was close. 

The building the four attackers were hiding in was small, derelict and located in a bad neighborhood. Surrounded by what appeared to be abandoned buildings and criminal activity. Typical idiot bad guy behavior. The humans and hybrids that did inhabit the area took one look at his menacing eyes and quickly melted into the shadows. 

The thought of the now silver rimmed brown jewels also confused Yoongi. When the change first happened he felt blinded as if someone was pouring molten metal into his irises. But then the calming, kind feeling of his mate settled over his heart and for the briefest of moments, Yoongi felt at peace. Until the reality of what he was actually feeling and the consequences of it hit him fully. Jimin wasn't just hurt, the mouthy little fox was being smothered and snuffed out and the feeling of warmth and closeness that Yoongi experienced was like a final goodbye.

Yoongi shook his head and stood waiting outside of the building. He was playing a dangerous game at the moment, pushing his scent into the air like he was marking the area. Any other alpha, aside from Hobi, would take this as a direct challenge but Yoongi knew Hobi would understand. He was scenting the air and waiting, making his presence known but not showing himself. He wanted the other hybrids to suffer as much as they could, let them smell their death in the air and their fear would fill his lungs and give him the satisfaction that he desired. 

The longer they suffered in anticipation, the more justice Yoongi thought he could bring to his family because the moment he attacked, there wouldn't be much left for them to suffer. Jimin and Jin deserved better, Namjoon and Yoojin, all of them. For the pain and the fear and the near loss of life. 

If it were at all possible, Yoongi would drag out this punishment for years. Torture them to the brink of death and let them heal, let them think they would escape and live, only to start the process over again. Yoongi would do this as many times as the idiots would fall for it and then kill them for real. 

He didn't have that kind of time unfortunately, so he watched and waited, tasting their fear and knowledge in their end. The sun was nearly set before a lone light was turned on in the rundown building, illuminating a dingy curtain in the downstairs window. Yoongi could practically taste their lives flashing before their eyes and he let his human mind come forward, pushing against the power and anger of his puma. 

Yoongi was silent as he crept forward, his booted feet barely making a noise against the concrete of the porch as he ascended the stairs. He could hear them murmuring, their panic making the voices squeak through the thin walls. It didn't matter to him if they had a million more hybrids or stupid human weapons, their time had come and he was the bringer of their death. He pulled the dark hood of his sweatshirt over his hair and pushed the door open, no longer trying for subtly.

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