Chapter Twenty

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"I'm sorry Hobi," Jin said, his voice small and remorseful as he looked worriedly at the door to Jimin and Yoongi's room

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"I'm sorry Hobi," Jin said, his voice small and remorseful as he looked worriedly at the door to Jimin and Yoongi's room. 

Hoseok kept his eyes forward, not allowing his mind or heart to wander to the girl in the other room. He had to set those feelings aside and deal with the problem at hand. The sympathetic looks he had been receiving from the others all day did not help him in the least. 

They all knew now, of course, what happened and how Yoojin found out the truth. Taehyung still couldn't look Hoseok in the eye and he'd received a fairly loud reprimand from Jin when the oldest learned of Taehyung's near kiss.

"It's nothing." Hoseok finally answered. He was angry at Jin for making him keep his connection to Yoojin a secret, even if it made sense at the time. But he couldn't blame Jin for how Yoojin reacted when she learned. That was all his doing.

Jin said nothing, his words failing him as Hoseok sat in miserable silence in their living room. Namjoon walked over, gently gripped his shoulder and Hoseok nearly fell apart at his understanding. He bit his lip and pushed those emotions aside as well, he had a job to do. And if he was going to lose the most important and precious thing to him, he needed to throw his mind into the work. Namjoon patted his back and Hoseok cleared his throat. 

"The others should be home soon." He commented, looking at the door and avoiding their gazes. He and Namjoon were set to patrol tonight, the city had a restless feeling and the full moon was rising, both things that spelled doom for their sense of peace. 

Sure they weren't werewolves like in the stories, but they were prone to more wild nights when the moon was full. They were just waiting for Yoongi and Jimin to come back, the couple had decided to pull a double shift when they learned of what happened between Tae and Yoojin. 

Yoojin hadn't left the room all day, she refused to answer when they called to her and blatantly shut the door in Jin's face when he tried to bring her lunch. Hoseok was a tiny bit amused at this, thinking that while he had to keep his irritation in check, Yoojin was free to take it out on her brother. But the way that the older man folded in upon himself did not relieve the constant ache that gripped around Hoseok's heart. 

He pushed another sigh back into his lungs and rubbed his hand over his face. Despite how exhausted he felt when he walked into the building last night, he didn't sleep at all. He knew that Yoojin was fighting the mate-bond with all of her considerable willpower and he was afraid. Whatever existed of their connection before felt like someone had thrown a wet blanket over it, Hoseok got a vague sense of Yoojin but nothing compared to what he was feeling before. He knew he should have walked away when she came to him in his room, sneaking through the shadows and desperately trying to win him over. 

He'd been overwhelmed and driven out of his mind with sensations and feelings he thought would escape him forever. It wasn't her that made him run, but his own weakness. Sure he could have told her the truth, looking back he probably should have, but it felt like taking advantage of her. Like accepting consent from a drunk girl, he just couldn't do it. She was intoxicating him and pushing against his better judgement but he couldn't live with himself if he accepted, so he left to get away from his own demons.

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