Chapter Nine

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I sucked in a breath and shot up, nearly falling from the bed as the nightmare released me. I squeezed my hands in my lap and forced my breathing to even out. It was dark outside, probably well after midnight judging by the lack of noise coming from the slightly cracked window. I focused my attention out there, breathing in the fresh air and trying to ignore the flashing red eyes from my nightmare. I shivered and crossed closer to the space, trying to get a glimpse of the outside world.

I've been up and moving for days now but I hadn't been outside in ages. I just wanted to feel the sun on my skin or be able to see the stars. Something to remind me that the world didn't revolve around me. The fear that the wolf would come back to claim me kept the nightmares steady and the feeling of being caged like an animal increasing each day. I sighed and looked at the door to the bedroom. I haven't see Seokjin in a few days, and even though I'd heard about Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook, I haven't met them either.

Most days I spent with Jimin just talking and existing. He loved to talk and I found it wasn't hard to just listen. We would sit in the living room and Yoongi would play the piano, sometimes we talked and sometimes I read. It was peaceful and pleasant but I couldn't help feeling trapped and annoyed. I didn't like being inside for so long without even a break. I had nothing to do, no work or school and I wanted to scream with the frustration of it.

I slipped closer to the door, hoping to escape for even just a moment but I hesitated when I reached forward. Would Jimin or Seokjin be mad at me if I just went out for a moment? I sighed and looked down, contemplating. I smiled a little to myself as I remembered that I told Hobi I would return his clothes as soon as I could. I kept meaning too, but he didn't come around often and they were just so comfortable that I decided they were my favorite thing to sleep in.

They would be fine, they would probably understand. I pulled the door slowly open and looked down the dark hallway. The moving shadows still scared me more than I wanted to admit, but the need to be outside drove the fear away as it compelled me forward. The apartment was quiet and dark, the only light coming from the moon streaming through the two windows in the living room. 

I looked down the small hallway across the living room toward Jimin and Yoongi's room and hesitated. Should I tell one of them that I was going to step out for a moment? I tipped my head in thought, I'm pretty sure I was picking that habit up from Jimin, but then shook it no. I wasn't going to be long and they always seemed so tired. I tiptoed to the door and slowly pushed the handle down. I felt like a teenager again sneaking out of my house. I snorted softly, the sound barely registered as anything more than a puff of air.

I slid the door open only enough to force myself through and then shut it quietly. The hallway was decently lit with an identical door across the hall from Seokjin's apartment. I studied the other door for a moment and then shrugged my shoulders. To the left was a door that had a large red sign saying it led to a roof access and the door to the right was clear glass and showed the street outside. I edged closer to the street but found that my heart was beating in fear and I saw numerous glinting jeweled eyes in the bushes and shadows. I paused with my hand barely an inch away from the glass door and decided that I couldn't do it.

I turned and scampered back down the hallway to the apartment door, looking back with annoyance to the outside. I just wanted to be out there for a moment. I sighed and let my gaze slip to the door that led to the roof. That was better than nothing. I hesitated and walked slowly, would opening this door set an alarm off and get me into trouble? I waited while I thought, it didn't have a warning on the handle like most of those doors do and now that my mind was made up, my body was practically buzzing to get out there.

I pushed the handle and raced up the stairs as fast as I could. My ribs were healing well but they were still sore and over exerting myself still caused pain. I didn't even want to think about the bite mark on my shoulder that wouldn't heal. I had to clean and bandage it twice a day, it didn't bleed anymore but it oozed and grossed me out.

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