Chapter Ten

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Taehyung was very excited, this was the first day since Yoojin arrived that it was his turn to stay at the apartment with her. Jimin and Yoongi resumed their patrols with Hobi and Kookie while Namjoon and Jinie were at work. Taehyung liked Yoojin, she was small and pretty and he liked the way she laughed at his jokes. 

Mostly he liked the way she made Hobi smile. He was very much looking forward to being her friend. One could never have enough friends and Taehyung had the most.

He smiled cheekily to himself as he put his hands behind his head to look up into the sky. He wanted to talk to his cloud friends today, they were all white and fluffy and floating peacefully through the light blue sky. He imagined they liked to fly, only some of them were scared of heights and they became fog, but the ones in the sky were the bravest. 

Taehyung liked to be brave but he also liked the fog, he felt like he was being hugged by his friends. So he didn't mind either way, the only time he was sad for his cloud friends was when it rained, because they had to say goodbye to their water friends which was rather sad. But today they all looked happy so Taehyung just smiled and watched them travel.

He should be inside, he knew, but it was just so boring sitting in Jimin's living room waiting for the girl to wake up. He was very excited to spend time with her, but she slept forever and he didn't like waiting around. Jimin said very specifically that Taehyung was not supposed to wake her up, so Tae didn't. 

Instead he played the piano as loudly as he could and he banged as many dishes as he could find, but she still wouldn't wake up.

Taehyung shrugged and closed his eyes, letting his mind and hearing wander to the streets below and the humans going about their days. He liked to listen to their conversations. It was considered rude but how else was he supposed to know that the little girl down the street pushed her mother into a mud puddle? He liked the sound of this little girl.

Taehyung scrunched his nose, he felt something crawling on him and he opened his eyes with a giggle. It was a little spider marching across his face. He smiled and gently lifted the small bug friend onto his hand. He had another spider friend that was his favorite spider in the world that lived right outside his window. 

So Taehyung supposed this couldn't be his best spider friend, but he still wanted to help it. He moved carefully over the roof to the back corner, putting the spider on the ground. He sat on his haunches, bouncing every other second, as he watched the bug crawl slowly towards the corner. He frowned slightly when the spider continued over the lip of the ledge and out of sight.

Can't be friends with everyone. He shrugged and stood up, he wasn't tired at all even thought he only slept for a few house between his patrolling and finding Yoojin on the roof last night. Yoongi was right, she did smell really good and at first he was very confused because he thought she was his mate but he didn't feel any connection. But the more time she spent sleeping in Jinie's room, the less her smell appealed to him. He still thought she smelled good, but it wasn't the overwhelming feeling like in the beginning. Besides, he could still smell traces of the other alpha on her.

He raised his head to the wind and breathed deeply, trying to sort through the scents like he knew Jimin could. He wasn't as good as the fox, but he still smelled things. Hoseok's scent was strong in the area around the apartments. The alpha was stacking his claim with determination because it was one of the few ways to keep the less powerful hybrids from coming into the apartment and trying to take Yoojin. He scowled when the underlying acrid smell of the other alpha hit his nose. It was harder to pick up, sometimes Yoojin just smelled right to him, but he could pick it up if he concentrated.

He sneezed and opened his eyes, he smelled the other alpha in the city on his patrols, but that was only because Yoojin's flowery scent would float away on a breeze while the bad alpha would stick low to the ground and seep like rotten garbage. 

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