Chapter Six

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"What do you mean I cannot see her?" Hoseok demanded, prowling outside of the door to Namjoon and Jin's room. His hackles were raised and every fiber of his being called him into that room. But the wolf stood between him and the door.

"Jin is fixing the worst of her injuries." Namjoon said, looking down at the floor and trying to understand how his friend must be feeling right now. "Her body is too overwhelmed, if you make contact with her there is no telling how she would react. I know it is hard, but you have to leave her alone."

"She will die!" Hoseok hissed, getting into the face of the taller male as anger flashed in his red eyes. He was afraid, he sensed the power of the other alpha the moment he bit her, but seeing the extent of her injuries and knowing the rat bit her as well ... it was too much. Her weak human body would fail and he would be left alone again. Forever.

Yoongi came down the hallway from his bedroom, his normally unbothered face creased with worry. He stepped between the two and gently put his hand on Hoseok's shoulder, pushing slightly. "Come on." He said, his deep voice low and understanding, making Hoseok's eyes snap to his. "Listen Hobi, can you hear her heart?" Yoongi asked, keeping his voice steady.

Hoseok stopped fighting the pull of the older man and quieted the frantic beating of his own heart. His senses picked up on her immediately, like the sound was always in his ears he just never knew to listen for it before. 

Her heart was unsteady, beating too quickly and he blanched, opening his eyes and staring longingly at the slightly ajar door. 

Jimin came down the hall after his mate, placing his hand on Hoseok's other shoulder. "Hobi, we can't help her right now. But you can, if you sit and try to remain calm. She will respond to your emotions just as you do to hers." His voice was gentle, but the intense look in his silver eyes brought back the images of moments ago. Hoseok felt her fear and her pain as she tried to escape him and it nearly undid everything in his mind.

"Fine," He grumbled, allowing them to lead him to the living room. He plopped onto the couch and stuck his head between his knees, attempting to calm his breathing. Forcing all of his attention into his own body was more difficult than he thought it should be. 

Every little noise brought his mind back to her, her limp and bruised body as Jimin carried her swiftly back to the apartment. Every inch of her skin that he could see was either cut and bleeding or a deep purple. 

Jin screamed when he saw her, making all of them jump. But now Hoseok knew her name, Yoojin. She was Jin's younger sister and Hoseok's mate. He chuckled evilly to himself, the reason he was attracted to Jin was because he could smell his real mate in their blood-bond as siblings. He was angry and ashamed, but he pushed those emotions aside as well.

They were right, if he walked into that room and attempted to heal her, her body would fail. Even the strongest human couldn't combat the presence of three different hybrids in their mind. He sighed and brushed his fingers through his hair roughly, anger making his heart rate increase. 

He killed once for her, he would kill that other alpha as well for laying a hand on what was his.

He couldn't help her by giving her the extra healing she would need, his only form of help was the basic, instinctual connection they shared. He calmed his mind, wiping away the anger and the worry and focusing only on strength, conveying that to her with all of his might. 

Jin winced as the door to the bedroom opened and Namjoon stepped carefully inside. He wasn't sure if Hoseok would be able to resist himself. Namjoon looked unhappily from Jin to the girl lying unconscious on their bed. Jin trained for years to become a doctor, he was accustom to such sights, but Namjoon could sense the helpless panic that his mate was trying to force down.

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