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Before I start with what's happening right now there's a little you need to know about me.

My name is Brianna Andrew Rose. I was born in England to George Rose, one of the king's advisors. My mother was never around, I don't even know her name. Nor do I ever remember meeting her. Father always said she was "away." As I grew older, I figured out for myself, she had abandoned me.

Because of this, my father never cared for me, he blamed me. I was always dumped in the laps of our house maids. Our house was large, a mansion rather, located on the outskirts of London. As I grew up I found a friend in Elizabeth Swann, the daughter of one of my father's colleagues. Governor Swann was always kind to me, and was more of a father figure than what I had at home.

Governor Swann, whom I soon came to call "Father," began my education in the "proper etiquette of society" when I was ten. Elizabeth, joined me three years later when she turned eight. We were taught to dance, sew, sing, everything needed to be perfect pillars of delicacy. Elizabeth became fully wrapped up in our schooling, whereas I only did it to please Father's wishes.

Before long, I found my escape. When I was just fifteen I started spending my spare time with James Norrington. He was a sailor training in the Royal Navy, three years older than me. He would teach me what he learned after my lessons were done for the day.

Two years later, Governor Swann began preparing to leave London to become the governor of a new English colony, Port Royal. When he asked if I wanted to go, I agreed eagerly, so at seventeen years old I went with Governor Swann and Elizabeth on the journey across the Atlantic.

Elizabeth and I spent the first part of the journey in our normal routines. She would sew or sketch scenes from the deck, I'd spend time with her or with James, helping the crew. About mid-journey, a boy was fished out of the water. When he was brought onboard, Governor Swann tasked Elizabeth and I with his care.

The boy was wearing a curious necklace, a medallion of some sort. Elizabeth thought it was a pirate necklace and took it. The boy woke only briefly to tell us his name, Will Turner. For the rest of the journey Will, Elizabeth and I were inseparable. But, when we reached Port Royal things changed.

When we arrived in Port Royal, Will was taken in as an apprentice by Mr. Brown, the town blacksmith. As the daughters of the Governor, Elizabeth and I were thrown back into the life of high society, and I loathed it. Again, the sea was my escape.

Initially, Governor Swann wasn't happy to find out I was interested in being a Navy officer, but after a lot of persuading he warmed up to it. I was allowed to continue my training so long as I kept up with my gentlewoman's status in Port Royal. After my twentieth birthday, I was sent back to England at the request of the King, he congratulated me on my achievements as a woman in the Royal Navy, and he gave me a gift. My very own ship to captain, the Loyalist.

For two years I sailed, and I became a well known and respected captain among the King's Navy. One day, I was on an assignment, basic reconnaissance, the usual routine, but my ship was captured by Blackbeard, the most feared pirate in all the seas.

He forced me and my crew to follow him, to serve him. The Loyalist was captained by his daughter and first mate, Angelica. After only a few months Blackbeard's crew, it was so clear to me that there is so much more to the sea than answering commands. Instead of a captor, Angelica became a friend, and Blackbeard became a mentor.

I was reinstated as the captain of Loyalist, and I've sailed for three years as a willing member of Blackbeard's crew. Although I've fallen in love with my life as a pirate, I've been feeling a tug in my gut back to Port Royal.

Blackbeard, though disappointed with my decision to leave, is letting me go. Just last night, he gave me a sword, just like his, enchanted to bend any of my ships to my will. He told me it is named Mercy, but not much else of where it came from.

With Queen Anne's Revenge disappearing behind me, and the stars to guide my way, I'm finally headed home.

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