Chapter nineteen

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"Found her." I say, once I'm out of ear reach of the club. My adrenaline is still high, but the relief I'm feeling is overpowering it.

"You didn't get made?" Theo asks once I'm a few metres away from them. The relieved look on his face tells me they couldn't hear everything in there.

I plaster a fake smile on my face. "Nope, but we need to get back to the office, she's in the basement." I turn to the other two agents with Theo. "You guys stay here, track Marcos every move. We can't loose him."

Theo nods. "Let's go." We head to the other side of the van. Theo and I came in his car earlier, knowing something like this would happen. Theo speeds off once we're in his car, it's just past 5am so the roads sparse of cars.

"You alright? You're being quiet." Theo glances over at me a few minutes later.

"Tired as hell, but ready to get the bastard."

"You've done enough, you know." He makes brief eye contact. "You can go home, we'll get him."

I shake my head. "I wanna see him go down."

We get back to the office in just over thirty minutes thanks to the lack of traffic. Everyone's waiting in the conference room when we get there. I don't bother with small talk instead I get straight to the point. "She's in the basement, the rooms labeled 'main storage' but Darcy's the only child in there, I didn't get much of a chance to see the conditions she's in or if she's being guarded so that part we're going into blind. Hail is in the private club room, he went in there an hour after I got there."

Clare nods. "You two ok to go back in?" She asks both Theo and I. "It's been a long night."

We both nod. "We're fine."

"Everyone go get prepared, we're leaving in ten minutes." Clare states and everyone in the room nods, before leaving to get ready.

I grab my bag where my uniform is when I get back to the office. I change in the bathroom and a few minutes later, we're all loaded in the vans for the take down.

"Bennett, Williams you two will go in last, everyone else will go in first, take down as much security guards as they can without causing havoc and hopefully without being noticed." Clare orders through the walkie-talkies once we're all in place outside the club. "Smith, French you go for Hail. Bennett, Williams get the girl and be careful."

"3.....2.....1..... first team go!"

I glance over at Theo as we wait outside the back doors I saw earlier. He gives me a look that's asks if I'm good, to which I nod.

"Smith, French, Bennett, Williams your turn." Clare says after a few minutes.

Theo and I take one last glance at each other before he busts the door down. We enter with our guns raised taking every corner carefully. The corridors are eerily dark but I remember the exact directions to the ''main storage' room. We're two corridors off when we hear footsteps walking towards us. Both of us lean up against different walls ready to attack.

Theo counts down from three using his fingers and we both swing around catching the two bodyguards off guard. It only takes them a few seconds to react and I'm too busy trying to dodge punches, to check Theo's situation out.

I swing my foot, hitting the nerve on the back of my bodyguards leg, causing him to fall. A knife I hadn't noticed before slices my cheek on the way down as he swings his hand trying to catch himself. The blood oozes down my cheek immediately but I'm too busy holding my gun towards his face to care, but I have no intentions to shoot it, we were told to do this with little disruption and a gunshot would cause us to be noticed.

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