Chapter thirty

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"Earth to Olivia, you there?" Jake waves his hand in front of my face, bringing me back to reality.

"Yeah, sorry." I shake my head. It's currently Wednesday, and Jake and I decided to go out for lunch. "What were you saying?"

"I was just explaining that I want to ask dreamy eyes to Tammy and Charlie's wedding."


Jake tuts at my question. "The guy I was telling you about, you know the one I'm interested in, but have yet to make a move on."

"Oh yeah, go for it. There's nothing like a wedding to bring people together."

Jake sighs. "I appreciate your advice, but your hungover ass really isn't good company."

"Is it that obvious?" I huff rubbing my eyes. Truth be told my head feels like someone's playing solo tennis in it, the wall that they're hitting being my head.

"Wanna tell me why you drank half your body weight in alcohol? Not that the reasons not already obvious."

I shrug. "I got carried away while watching the real housewives." I sit up and take another sip out of my water. "But I really do think you should ask dreamy eyes to the wedding, I'd love to meet him and if you're lucky you might catch the bouquet."

"You make it sound like such a great idea."

"Because it is." I point out. Tammy and Charlie have decided on a late summer wedding, not too long from now actually.

Jake shrugs. "I might actually take your advice."

"That sounds like a good idea."

"You should also take mine." He gives me a pointed look.

I raise my eyebrow. "Pretty sure you didn't give me any advice?"

"I'm about to." He looks at me as if it was a stupid question. "Please stop getting drunk, maybe even start talking to Theo again because since you two stopped being friends, you turning up to work pissed off and hungover has become a really common occurrence."

I give him an 'are you serious look'. "I'll stop getting drunk, but I'm not talking to him, he purposely flirts with his girlfriend in front of me and she turns up to the office every single day."

"Boohoo you're jealous, get over yourself. This isn't the Olivia we all know and love."

I frown, he's right and we all know it. "Maybe,..." I take a few seconds to decide if I'm really serious. "Maybe I need to go home for awhile, you know clear my head, try sort out my brother and best friends lives out." When Jake gives me a confused look I elaborate. "I know it seems like I'm overreacting, hell im pretty sure everyone thinks that, but it's just everything that's happened since I got here. Maybe Clare was right taking us off the field."

Jake nods, sympathy swarming in his eyes. "Everything will work out."

I smile. "I don't doubt that."

We get back to work a few minutes later and much to my dismay, I push the door open to see blondie leaning against my desk with Theo sitting behind his own. I don't say anything, instead I grab my bag ready to leave the room.

"I can't wait for you to meet my parents Friday night baby." Rosie stands up, when she notices me behind her, grabbing my things.

"Meeting the parents already? That was quick." I comment as I swing my bag over my shoulder.

"What can I say." She shrugs. "I love him."

Both Theo and I freeze at her revelation and I can't help but wonder if he loves her back. That would be a shock to the system.

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