I'll Be With Her

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I- I can't believe Zak is coming here! I still shouldn't get my hopes up, though. He might be trolling; who buys a ticket and doesn't have a plan on where to stay once they're here?

Wait, once they're here... OH MY GOSH, I have to clean the house!

If Zak really is coming here, he can't see the house like this. There's a pile of clothes by the laundry room, stacks of dishes in the sink, things all over the dining room table and in the living room, makeup and stuff is piled everywhere on both of the bathroom counters, and I even think there's still boxes in both of the guest rooms from when I first moved here.

Do I have friends come over to help me clean and I'll pay them??

No. Calm down. I have three days to clean up for him. I immediately start doing the dishes, and as the dish washer is going, start the laundry. I was doing this back and forth all the way until 5:30 p.m. when I realize I still have to record a video.

Why am I so stressed?? Zak won't disown me if one thing isn't clean... right?

What am I saying? Of course he'll get mad at me, who wouldn't?

Zak is too perfect to be around me...

Tears begin forming in my eyes.

What's wrong with me?!

Why am I like this?!

I catch myself in my thoughts. No, I can't let my head ruin this for me.

I put down the dish that I'm holding to go and do a stream instead of record. Reading some comments will help me calm down.

I get into my chair, open YouTube, and start the live stream.

"Hi guys! What's going on?" I start as my intro, then looking at the chat that's already starting to be spammed with memes.

"Memeing already I see?" I chuckle, opening Minecraft.

I look back at the comments to see a lot of people commenting.

"You have terraria downloaded?!"

"Y/U has Skyrim!"

"They have Call of Duty?!"

And so on and so forth. I guess they all saw my desktop and all of the games I have downloaded.

"Yeah guys, I play games outside of Minecraft ya know" I sass back as they all start demanding I play a different game just for the stream. Wouldn't hurt to play a different game on stream for once.

"Alright alright" I respond, followed by "what game?"

The live chat was stuck between Terraria and Skyrim. I couldn't pick, it was about 50/50.
I then hear my phone starting to go off. It's Zak, and I put him on speaker.

"You're on speaker and I'm on stream, say hi!" I say enthusiastically.

"I know you're streaming, IM WATCHING! WHY WOULD YOU NOT PLAY MINECRAFT?!" He says in a jokingly angry tone.

"Why are you watching my stream you weirdo" I chuckle as the line went silent and the chat starts going crazy.

"Nahnahnah, your fans are weird" Zak half yells.

"Most of them are also your fans you idot" I say, making the call quiet again.

"If you're gonna play a different game, I bet you aren't even all that good at Skyrim" he evily laughs with an intimidating tone.

"Bet" I challenge and I hang up the phone, turning it off this time.

"This is for Skeppy calling me bad!"

I hop onto Skyrim Legendary Edition and choose to be a High Elf and to be a mage named Sping Poofer.

Time skip to 8:45 p.m.

"Alright guys, I'm all Skyrim-ed out. Tomorrow we resume Minecraft, and we never speak of this again! BYYYYYE" I yell, ending the stream.

I get up, go to the kitchen and grab something to eat when I realize that the kitchen is clean. I guess I completely forgot that I was cleaning almost all day.

I'm only able to eat half of a bowl of cereal before I start getting stressed again and start cleaning once more, this time starting to empty out what is going to be Zak's room.

Opening the first box my heart immediately sinks as I see old "get well soon!" Cards, photographs from years ago, my old diary from when I was younger, and more. I immediately close the box up again, tape it shut, and write on the side "do not open" so I don't make this same mistake again. Afterwards, I drag it out to the garage and store it away in the corner where I can't think about it again.

Walking back into the house, I decide I am too stressed out to keep cleaning for tonight, and go to bed.

The next morning, 10:00 a.m.

I wake up still not feeling too great and not wanting to get out of bed. I roll over, look at my phone, and see a text from Zak.

"Two days" it reads.

My heart jumps immediately as I spring out of bed, run downstairs and immediately get back to work on the massive amounts of boxes in that room.

About half of the boxes are simply decorations and lights that I need to decorate my house with, so that just adds onto the numerous tasks I have to do before Zak gets here. There's fairy lights that I put in my room, the living room, and in both of the bathrooms. Fake flowers that look almost real are put on the dining room table and multiple other rooms. So on and so forth, I unpack air fresheners, pictures, decorative pillows, candles, vases, and a lot, lot more.

That was just 2 boxes. There were about 11 more to go.


Looking around the house I realize I'm starting to not like my placement of the decorations. Why am I so paranoid?

... right. He's never been to my house before. I need to impress him.

Time skip to 6:00 p.m.

Zak's POV

Usually Y/N has started a stream or posted a video by now, and she's not answering her phone. Is she alright?

I call Vincent and Darryl to see if either of them know where she is.

"I haven't spoken to her since yesterday" is Vincent's response, and Darryl's is "I haven't talked to her since we were all in a call."

I hang up the call, feeling a little bad that they might think they made me mad.

Maybe Y/N is out with a friend and just isn't gonna have any content today even though she said she would be back on Minecraft today.

Am I being creepy? No, I'm just being overprotective... I'll see her soon, and I'll feel better. I'll be with her, and she'll be okay.

Word Count- 1129

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