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Where am I going? I don't know. I don't care. Zak knew fully well that I'm in a bad condition and still smacked me away when I was trying to comfort him. Sure, maybe I jumped to conclusions thinking he was mad, but I would NEVER smack him away from me.

My phone starts ringing; it's Vincent.

He probably called the two of them by now and they're trying to get me to come back. I'm not answering.
...I'm not answering...
... I'm not.

"Hello?" I sigh, answering the phone as it connects to the Bluetooth of my car.

"Where are you?!" Vincent yelled, his French accent extra thick making him sound a bit angry.

"I'm fine Vince, don't worry about me" I reply with a few sniffles after.

"Y/N, no, tell us where you are" Darryl says, snatching the phone from Vincent. "This isn't funny."

"You think I'm laughing? You think I wanted to be hurt?!"

Silence overcame the call.

"Did Zak hit you?" Darryl asks with worry in his voice.

"No! Well, yes, but no. Ugh!"

I'm too frustrated and unstable to have this conversation so I hang up and pull over to the side of the road, make sure the doors are locked, and proceed to attempt my breathing exercises to calm down.

Darryl's POV

"Did Zak hit Y/N?!" Vincent asks me, now furious.

"It sounds like it!" I reply, absolutely outraged. "We're going over there."

We get in the car to go to Y/N and Zak's house to set Zak straight. For the entire ride, Vincent and I scream to each other what might have happened.

"I didn't think Zak was the abusive type!" Vincent practically screams and hits the side of the wheel.

"Right?! Y/N even seemed scared to say something! Urggh, oh my goodness!"

Time skip to the house

Vincent and I get out of the car and start pounding at the door until Zak answered.

"Have you seen her or heard from her?!" Zak cries answering the door, panicked.

"How could you hit her?!" Vincent exclaims, getting into Zak's face.

"What?! I would never hit her! I couldn't hit a woman let alone my own girlfriend!"

"We were on the phone with her, don't lie!" I scream, trying to not be too aggressive. I'm just a small potato.

"She said that I hit her?" He asks with obvious hurt in his voice and slouches over as if he just took a huge punch to the stomach.

Vincent and I look at each other, confused. What does he mean? She said that he smacked her... huh?

"Well, she said that you smacked her" Vincent responds, lowering his voice. "Look. What exactly did you do and what happened?"

Zak told us the full, complicated story about how he got mad at her for thinking he was gonna dump her, and then she got mad because Zak rejected her arm by smacking it away but it hurt more than it should've because she's still in a fairly bad condition. I guess Vincent and I twisted her words because we got so angry.

"We really, really twisted her words, didn't we?" Vincent sighs, turning to me.

"Yeah... I guess so" I respond, slightly embarrassed. "But that's not what's important. We have to find Y/N."


I didn't think I could cry for as long as I did literally only parked on the side of the road. It's been about 4 hours now purely of just crying, bad thoughts, and a panic attack. I feel not only emotionally tired, but it's become physical. Everything feels like it has added 10 pound weights.

Why am I so dramatic

I should just go back

We both messed up...

Before I can stop my thoughts, a car pulls in behind me.

Oh my gosh, it's them.

Darryl and Vincent get out of the car but Zak stays in the car. They probably had this whole thing planned out to keep Zak away so I don't drive away. They start tapping on the window. I roll it down and immediately start crying again.

"Y/N, it's okay" Darryl whispers, opening my door and hugging me.

"It's alright, no one's mad" Vincent adds on and joins the hug. I hug the two of them back, and just by hearing their voices and feeling their hugs, I start to feel better. The 10 pound weights changed to about 5.

Zak can't help but get out of the car and run over, making Darryl and Vincent step back. He quickly embraces me and holds the back of my head, crying, "I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry."

I hug him back crying the same to him. We really just sat there hugging for five minutes straight until Darryl intervenes.

"It's time to go home guys, you can talk it out there, alright?" Darryl says, patting both of our backs. We nod our heads yes like children.

"Darryl, you take your car and I'll take Y/N's to drive Y/N and Zak home. They both are too unstable" Vincent tells Darryl, sending him off and getting Zak and I into the back seat.

Time skip to when we get home

Zak and I drag ourselves upstairs while Darryl picked Vincent up outside. We lay down on our sides of the bed, quickly looking to each other.

"I thought I lost you" he whispers, caressing my cheek. "I will never, ever do that again. I promise you."

"I'm sorry for overreacting" I mutter back to him, nuzzling my head against his chest for comfort. He's so warm. My whole body feels so cold and weak, so being against him makes me feel secure and safe.

"Let's promise to never run from each other again, alright?" He says, looking down at me. I hold up my pinky to him for a pinky promise, and he crosses his with mine.

"Promise" I reply.

After he strokes my hair for a few minutes, pressing my head against him, he whispers, "I love you."

I smile and mutter, "I love you too."

Zak places his hand under my chin and lifts my head gently to place his lips against mine. I don't even know how to describe it. It's like finally breathing after being held underwater for so long. I was only away for a few hours, but to me- to us- it felt like forever.

He pulls away from the kiss to look at me. "You're so beautiful; even after you've been crying for so long."

I giggle tiredly at his compliment. He then pulls me back into his chest and covers me with the blanket after giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight" He whispers, hugging me even tighter.

Word Count- 1131

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