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I slammed my door and locked it behind me. He really left me there to be beaten and possibly killed by Jonathan. My mind can't process it. It hurts so much. The three of them start banging on the door.

"Y/N! Let me in!" Zak yells.

I lay on my bed, crying. I really thought he would protect me.

Darryl, Vincent, and Zak keep telling me to open the door but all I can do is put my face in my pillow and cry. Crying hurts, though, from how sore and beat up I am. Suddenly, they go silent and I hear footsteps walking away.

Darryl calmly says, "Y/N, open the door, Zak went away."

Of course he left again. I get up and head for the door. I could really use a hug right now. As I open it, Zak runs in and hugs me.

"OW!" I screech.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry, listen" he yells, holding my shoulders as Darryl walks in and Vincent follows behind him. Great, now Darryl lied.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I yell, struggling to get away.

"Language!" Darryl yells, followed by Vincent yelling, "Not now, Bad!"

"What's wrong? Why are you upset?" Zak asks, looking me straight in the eyes.

"You left when I needed you the most."

The three of them all give each other confused looks. Vincent suddenly then gets a look on his face like he realized something. He asks, "Y/N, what was the last thing you remember from the... incident?"I try remembering.

"I think I went out when Darryl started walking forward and Jonathan almost hit me. My panic got the best of me." My eyes start welling up with tears again just thinking about it.

Zak and Darryl let out an "ohhhh" as Zak lets go of my shoulders.


They all brought me over and sat me down on my bed. I really shouldn't be getting myself worked up anyways; everything hurts.

"You went out before I came back" Zak tells me, putting his hand on my thigh.

"You left, I don't care if you eventually came back. You never defended me."

Darryl cuts in. "No, he acted like he left in fear because he wanted to catch Jonathan off guard and sneak up behind him, which is how he got Jonathan off of you."

I go silent.

"He didn't actually leave you Y/N, he got a weapon and saved you" Vincent calmly explains.

I feel like such an idiot. I start crying again, which hurts really bad to do.

"It's okay, it's okay" Zak says, gently hugging me. Darryl and Vincent gently hug me too, reassuring me.

"I would never, EVER leave you" Zak promises. "I promised you that I would never let anyone or anything happen to you."

I feel horrible for not trying to understand the full story before. Zak even got me from the hospital, he must've been there all day.

Through my tears, I ask, "how long were you in the waiting room for?"

Before Zak could answer, Vincent tells me that he was there all day. Darryl adds, "he couldn't stop thinking about you. I've never seen him so unstable and miserable before."

What's wrong with me? Even more tears start pouring out of my eyes.

"I'm so, so sorry."

Zak hugs me gently, careful not to hurt me. "Don't say sorry, you didn't know."

Darryl joins the hug saying, "you're under a lot of stress. It's okay."

Soon after, Vincent joins too saying, "you're safe now and now you know the whole story. You'll be alright. No one can hurt you."

They're all so caring. I can't help but smile through my tears. I really, really don't deserve them. Soon enough, I stop crying.

"No more crying, poor muffin."Darryl forces a small chuckle out of me.

"Was that a laugh I heard?" Zak says excitedly with Vincent laughing along.


For the next thirty minutes, the four of us sit on mine and Zak's bed just talking to each other to cheer me up. Darryl, being the sweet and innocent potato that he is, brings me a glass of water.

"It's time for you to rest up" He says, handing me the cup.

"Probably, I am really tired and sore."

"I can only imagine" Vincent comments.

They all leave the room, Zak being the last one out. Before he closes the door, he hesitates and turns to me.

"You know I love you, right?" He asks.

My face still blushes every time he tells me.
"I know. I love you too."

"And I'm not just saying that. I really, really love you."

I chuckle as he blows me a silly kiss. I pretend to catch it in my hand and bring it to my heart as he closes the door behind him.

Zak's POV
I shut the door and head downstairs. I'm so glad we got that settled and that Y/N is okay. Once I reach the bottom, I meet up with Darryl and Vincent who are on the couch. Not only was my proposal ruined, but I completely forgot that Vincent was supposed to move in with Darryl fully tonight. I decide to ask them about it.

"When are you two going to officially move in together?"

Vincent replies, "I'm pretty much completely moved in now but we're here to help you with Y/N."
How sweet.

"It's fine, I can take care of her. You two don't have to stay here if you don't want to."

Darryl crosses his arms and pouts, "do you not want us here?" I roll my eyes jokingly.

"Of course I want you guys here but you don't have to stay."

"I know I know" Darryl giggles.

After talking for a bit, Vincent and Darryl decide to go to their house. Besides, Y/N won't be able to be too active for the next couple of days from what she just went through. After cleaning up a bit and turning off the lights, I head upstairs to go to bed. Y/N is completely asleep with the blanket halfway pulled over her face.



I wake up hearing Zak whisper "aww" followed by, "I didn't mean to wake you up, sorry."
He gets under the covers to warm up. "Go back to sleep."

Since he keeps trying to keep his distance to not hurt me, I scoot closer and wrap my arm over him. "Come here you idot."

Zak chuckles and puts his arm around me too.
"You're safe in my arms, alright?" He whispers.
I nod my head yes as we drift off to sleep.

Word Count- 1115

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