We Can Talk

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I wake up in my bed. I guess Zak must've carried me to our room last night after I fell asleep. I feel even better today than I did yesterday too! There's still very obvious bruises around my body and I'm still sore, but not as much as the day of and the day after the incident. The only things that still hurt more than the others are my arms from having them thrown around so much.

I start to head downstairs to find Zak and give him a big hug, but I start to hear Zak's voice and another familiar voice downstairs. I get to see Vincent and Darryl too! I start to speed walk down the stairs now that I hear the voices.

"Good morning!" I cheer excitedly.

"Mornin" George and Zak reply.

"George?" I stutter, shocked.

"Hello, what, did Zak not tell you I was coming here?" He laughs.

"Oh yeah, Y/U, is it okay if George comes over?" Zak smiles, knowing exactly what he did.

"Yeah, sure" I laugh, but on the inside I feel kind of nervous. I think I'm the only one making this awkward. I just need to forget about before.

"We were thinking about making a video today with you" George starts to say. "Maybe troll a bit or do an event."

"Sounds fun" I agree, dismissing myself to the kitchen to go to eat. Why do I still feel so awkward around him? Why do I feel so nervous? My heart feels like it's starting to pick up. Then I realize, oh, right. I haven't taken my medicine for anxiety in a few days. I'll make sure to do that tonight.

Zak and George continue to talk in the room, laughing away together and cracking jokes. If Zak learned to forget, I need to try to as well. After eating, I head back over to the two of them to try and involve myself. I don't want them to feel like I'm being distant.

"So, what time are we recording with Beaver?" I ask Zak. He smiles, most likely because he sees my effort.

"Are you ready?" Zak asks George, turning to him.

"Mhmm" He replies.

For the next couple of hours, George trolls me and Zak with weird mods and texture packs for videos to post for the next few days. George never fails to start his videos with something like, "if you're in the percentage that hasn't subscribed," "What's to eat Minecraft wheat?" and the rest of his intro phrases so I try to imitate him after a while. I felt like all was well until we met in the living room again.

Just sitting there and being in the same room as him makes me feel off. I know he's a great guy, he's funny, respectful, and he just didn't know before. I just can't help but feel off. It's most likely just because I haven't had my medicine and the stress from a few days ago could be settling in.

After a few awkward moments of silence, Zak asks, "do you guys just want to play Minecraft without recording?" George and I nod our heads and we all head off to our PCs. On the way over to mine, though, Zak whispers to me, "loosen up a bit. Alright?"

Now I really feel my heart beating now. Is he mad at me? I'm completely disrespecting his friend, of course he is. He's known George longer than he's known me. Even while playing Minecraft, I just can't seem to feel comfortable and end up leaving the call and going to my room to calm down.

After a few hours, I hear the front door shut and Zak comes upstairs.

"George is gone" he sighs.

"Okay..." I respond, not knowing what to say. He's got to be pissed.

"Can we talk?" He asks, sitting down on the bed with me. My heart feels as though it just stopped.

"Uh, yeah, sure" I nervously reply, turning towards him, already shaking. Before he can even start to speak, he notices my nervous shaking and trembling voice immediately.

"Are you alright?"

"Please don't leave me" I say, my eyes starting to tear up.

"What?" Zak asks, shocked.

"I know you're mad at me, I'm sorry, I don't know what to do."

"I wasn't mad..." he responds.


"You weren't?" I sniffle, looking at him. He can't even respond.

"You'd think I'd leave you? For that?" Zak says, starting to develop anger in his voice.

"No, I don't know what I was thinking" I reassure, but it wasn't enough.

"No, you can't just-" he starts, but cuts himself off. "You know what? Never mind." He gets up and rushes to the door.

"Zak, wait, please don't leave" I plead. "Where are you going?"

"I don't know."

"Please, wait!" I yell, getting up and grabbing his arm to stop him. His first instinct was to smack my arm away, which hurt extremely bad from the bruises and soreness. My eyes start to flood with tears.

Zak's POV

What did I just do?!

"Y/N, I'm so, so sorry, I didn't mean to-." I lose my words mid-sentence, and before I can pick it back up, she pushes herself past me, holding her arm and crying.

"Baby, wait!" I yell, running after her. I can't even grab her because I don't want to hurt her again.

"Don't call me that" she yells back with pain in her voice. SHIT. I keep asking her to wait, but she grabs her keys and starts to head for the front door.

"Y/N, please, we can talk!"

It's no use. She gets into her car and leaves.

Oh my gosh, what did I just do?! I start calling her phone but there's no response. Why did I lash out at her like that? Not only that, she JUST went through a stressful attack a few days ago. There's no excuse for what I did.

After trying to call her phone multiple times, I decide to call Darryl and Vincent to see if they know.

"Hello?" Darryl picks up.

"Have you heard from Y/N?!" I asked, obviously panicked and rushed.

"No, why?"

"If you hear from her, tell me right away, please."

"Zak what's go-." Darryl starts to say but I hang up in a rush.

Word Count- 1063

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