Back For Good

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The next day, we did as planned. We all woke up early, went to (restaurant) for breakfast, and then hung out together before the first person had to leave; Vincent.

We all hugged him to say bye until next month when he will be moving back.

Soon after, Zak has to leave. He hugs Darryl and gave me a kiss while holding my waist.

"I'll be back in a three days, alright?" Zak reminds me.

"Three days is too long, but I'll see you then" I say, giving a little smile. He holds my cheek and gives me a last kiss.

"I love you, see you soon."

"I love you too" I say, waving to Zak as he walks away.

Seeing Zak walk away hurt. I remind myself, though, that he will be back in a few days, and he won't be leaving after. Well, if everything goes according to plan. I still tear up seeing Zak walk away, though. Darryl pats me on the back.

"He'll be back and stay for good" he tries reminding me.

"I know," I reply. "I just want him to stay."

Darryl and I leave the airport. It feels uncomfortably familiar now that it's back to how it had been before; just me and Darryl.

When we get to my house, Darryl gets in his car and leaves.

I'm now completely alone again. The sadness settles in quickly. I try going on my phone but I can't seem to find anything interesting.

I turn the T.V. on but still can't seem to be entertained.

No matter what I do, I can't find anything that makes me feel happier.

I even go to my recording room, about to record an episode of Minecraft, but as soon as I go to press record, I can't find the will to be energetic.
I decide I'm just going to go back to bed.

After a few sleepless hours of just laying in bed with the covers over my head, I remember just how lonely I really am.

Maybe I'm not ready yet.

If I can't handle myself on my own, can I handle someone else too?

I stop myself in my thoughts.

Don't even think about bringing Zak into this.
My mind starts racing for an explanation.

The harrowing feelings from my past just won't give me a break. From it, all I can think about is all of the ghastly and horrid memories.

The walls feel like they're closing in on me.

The awful shock feeling you get in your chest when you miss a step stays in me.

Breathe in...


Breathe out...

Breathe i-...

Time skip to night

I wake up with an awful headache. Probably from hitting my head on the floor after fainting. Of course, it had to happen when no one was around to help me. Which is fine. It's not exactly something I like people seeing, especially my loved ones.

For the next few days, I feel as I had before. Anxious, depressed, panicked, and all that "good" stuff. I have been, though, able to record once a day to keep my audience entertained. I can't let my own issues become theirs.

It is, though, the day Zak is coming back. This time he's taking a taxi to my house because he doesn't want me to have a panic attack behind the wheel. I'm glad he understands. He's probably the only one that ever understood. He's the one thing, besides Vincent, of course, that I have been looking forwards to.

As my mind starts taking over again, I realize I lost time as I hear a knock at the door.
It's probably Zak.

I'm wearing sweatpants, a hoodie, and my hair is in a messy bun. Probably not exactly how he wants to see me.

I open the door quickly, excited. It turns out to just be the food I ordered on UberEats. Ugh.
I pick up the bag, and as I'm about to turn around, a taxi car pulls up in front of my house.

Now it HAS to be Zak.

Sure enough, he steps out and grabs his things including Rocco. I run out to hug him after putting the food on my counter.

"I missed you" I yell before he can grab another bag.
"I missed you too," he laughs. "Now go inside you idot, I can carry my own things."

Hearing him crack jokes helps how I feel. I haven't felt humor since he left.

"Whatever little ducky boy" I giggle, grabbing a bag and bringing it inside. I realize as I head upstairs that we never really decided what room Zak would be staying in.

After taking all the bags inside, I ask him, "so, are we sharing a room or do you want your own room?"
"Where do you want me?" He smiles and I give him puppy eyes.

"Your room it is then," he laughs. "Well, our room."

Time skip

By the time Zak for the most part finished unpacking, it was already night.

"What do you wanna do?" I ask Zak.

"Wanna watch a celebratory movie?" He asks me. Of course, I agree and we go downstairs.

"Oh, before I forget, I got something in the mail from a fan before I flew here that I think will fit our room perfectly" Zak smiles.

"What is it?" I ask. He grabs my hand, pulling me back upstairs to our room. He digs through a few bags before he pulls out a decently large sign that says, "Skeppy and Y/U."

I can't help but smile at it.

"Awww!!" I yell. "It's so cute!!"

Zak laughs and kisses my forehead. "Where do you wanna put it?"

We look around the room to find where it would fit best.

"I can take down that picture and we can hang it there" I say, pointing to the picture above my, or our, bed.

"Perfect!" Zak yells as we both run over to hang it up.
After doing so, we look back at it and appreciate how cute it is. I rest my head against Zak's arm.

We go quiet again to appreciate it.

To break the silence, all I can think of is, "... how old do you think whoever made it was?"

"... I'd say 14" Zak chuckles, knowing he made a dumb joke.

I sigh, "I should've expected that. Was it worth it?"
"Yes. So I did it."

We giggle and go back downstairs to cuddle on the couch for the rest of the night, watching movies, until we fell asleep.

"Welcome back" I whisper, knowing I'm about to fall asleep.

"Back for good."

Word Count- 1111

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