I'm Seeing You Tomorrow

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It's... 11:00 a.m. ... and I haven't slept.
I got a text.
"One more day :)" from Zak.
The house still isn't what it should be, I have to go to the store for food and snacks since I really only have cereal, decorate Zak's room, and basically everything that should've already been done by now.
I grab my purse, but before I head out of the door, I call Darryl.
A boy will know what a boy wants I guess
"Can you come help me shop for groceries please please please pleeeaasse?" I beg Darryl.
"Of course I'll help you, I'll be on my way" he replies joyfully and hangs up the call in a rush. At least I have him to help me.
Should I tell Darryl about my feelings towards Zak? I ponder. I decide if it somehow comes up in conversation, I'd be open to tell him if he promises to keep the secret to himself. I can't let Zak know that I like him while he's a guest in my own house, he'll surely go and stay in a hotel or with Darryl instead.
Before I know it, Darryl is knocking at my door.
Have I really been paranoid about Zak for 45 minutes? I criticize myself.
I open the door and Darryl and I hug, say our hellos, and walk to my SUV.
"Soo, why are you bringing me along?" Darryl asked out if curiousity.
"Zak is gonna be here tomorrow and I don't know what kind of food he likes" I replied, giving the honest answer.
"He's coming here?!" Darryl asked, shocked.
"He didn't tell you?"
"... awkwaaarrd" I giggled. "Maybe I wasn't supposed to tell you and it was a surprise... uh oh."
"Doubt it" he replied, followed by, "Wait, so he's staying at your house?" With a smirk on his face.
"Yes, in the guest bedroom you weirdo."
"You know I'm just teasing you, ya muffin."
We arrive at (whatever your favorite grocery store is) and start to shop around. Darryl points me in the direction of the deserts constantly, but when we got there, he was practically drooling over the muffins.
"Focus, you're bad!" I jokingly yelled at him.
"Yeah, I am bad!" He replied. I mean, he's not wrong.
Darryl suggests I should buy a jar of Skippy and a jar of Jif just in case he prefers one over the other because he seems to hate both.
Time skip
We leave the store with 11 bags of food.
"This should be enough to hold him off" Darryl says, proudly.
"You sure about that?" I say as we both chuckle.
On the car drive back, Darryl goes back onto the topic of Zak staying at my house for a while.
"Hmm, do you like him?" Darryl questioned.
I began to stutter. "I- uh- no?"
"AH HAH!" Darryl practically screamed as though he just found out life's greatest mystery. "I knew it!"
"Please don't tell anyone, especially him, if he's gonna be staying at my house I don't want him to be uncomfortable" I begged.
"I don't think that'll be an issue" Darryl said, "but I won't tell him, I promise."
"Pinky promise?"
"If the muffin fits" he said, putting up his pinky as we crossed them.
Zak's POV, the day prior
"Why are you so scared?" Darryl asked me.
"I don't know, I don't want her to be hurt and she usually has posted by now... maybe I'm just paranoid, I don't even know" I said trying to figure out what's happening.
"Calm down, you're acting like she's your girlfriend or something!" Darryl tried saying to get a hold of me.
"... can I tell you something? Like, you can't even think of it after I say it." Immediate regret filled me.
Darryl gasped, "You like her?!"
I take a deep breath as my face starts to feel warm, and knew I would regret telling Darryl this.
"... I know I have only seen her in person once, but I have talked to her every single day ever since we met. I don't like the feeling I get when I don't talk to her for even a single day. She's become a part of my daily routine. I wish I could just tell her. Yes, I like her. I like her a lot."
Y/N's POV, back to regular time
"Wait, what is that supposed to mean, 'I don't think that'll be an issue'" I asked, shocked.
"Oh, I'm sure you'll be able to figure something out is what I meant" he replied.
We arrive at my house and unload the groceries into my kitchen. Darryl even helps me put it all away, organized too so Zak can find everything easily.
"Thank you so much, Darryl" I said, hugging him. "I really appreciate it."
"No problem. And by the way, your house looks great, don't overthink how Zak will think of it" Darryl said with a smile over his face, making me smile and feel a bit better.
We say our goodbyes, and I get back to cleaning.
Crap, it's 6:00?! I thought, looking at the time.
I immediately start cleaning Zak's room again.
An hour passes, and I hear my phone buzzing. It's Zak. Is this when he tells me this was all a troll?
"Hi!!" I answer, excitedly.
"Hi Y/N" Zak replies, sounding a little monotone.
Oh my gosh, it really is a joke isn't it?!
"You alright?" I ask. "You sound sad."
"Of course I'm fine, I'm seeing you tomorrow!" He yells, laughing.
We talk to each other for the next two hours making last minute plans on where I will be picking him up at the airport, when I will be getting him, where we will eat, and all that good stuff. We also just wanted to talk because I wasn't on my phone much yesterday. Oops.
When we hang up, I realize it's now 9:30 p.m. I'm so screwed, this is gonna be my second all nighter in a row just decorating his room and adding finishing touches to the rest of the house.

Word Count- 1027

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