That's One Way to Start Our Morning

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I wake up and head downstairs to make everyone breakfast, only to see that Darryl and Vincent already started.

"Aw, I was gonna make you guys something!" I laugh.

"It's alright, you're hosting us all so we can at least make breakfast" Darryl says and hands me a plate.
"Aww, thank you guys!" I say giving them both a one arm hug. Soon enough, Zak comes down and we're all able to eat together.

My phone starts buzzing telling me to get onto his server while everyone is talking about what we'll be doing today. The buzzing soon enough becomes a little obnoxious.

"Who's that?" Zak asks.

"It's Spifey, he wants me to record with him again."
Zak doesn't get a chance to say anything because Darryl cuts him off telling me to go have fun recording with him and that we'll decide what to do afterwards.

"Yeah, I still have to figure out what's around here anyways" Vincent adds.

They're all so sweet off camera. Well, Vincent and Zak are, Darryl is always sweet and innocent.
"Thanks guys! Sorry, I'll be back in a bit."

Zak's POV

Y/N goes to her recording room to record with George, and Vincent and Darryl continue to talk to each other to figure out what to do later on.

I know I shouldn't be so protective or paranoid, but Spifey seems to be wanting to be with Y/N a lot more than he wants to be hanging with anyone else. I know he wouldn't do that to me, though. He wouldn't try and take her from me. I'm being paranoid. I'm just really afraid to lose Y/N.

"Zak?" Darryl asks patting my shoulder.

"Oh, yeah?" I respond while both of their eyes are on me.

"You alright?" Vincent asks me, walking over to me too.

"Yeah, I'm just a little paranoid right now."

"What about?" Darryl asks, pulling up a chair to be next to me.

"I don't know, George seems to be wanting to spend a lot more time with Y/N than anyone else. I know he wouldn't do that, but its making me confused to say the least."

"He's probably just trying to be closer friends with her to make her feel more included to be honest" Vincent giggles, patting my back. "It's fine dude."

"Yeah, don't even worry about it, they both are loyal to you." Darryl adds on.

"Yeah, you're right."

Time skip


Spifey just ended the recording after trying to troll me in bedwars.

"Hey Y/N, I've gotta tell you something."

"Yeah?" I ask, worried. He doesn't sound too happy suddenly.

"Well, I've been meaning to tell you every time we've recorded now. But I keep chickening out."


The call goes awkwardly silent.

"What are you trying to say?" I ask.

"I really like you" Spifey admits.

"George, I-"

I can't make up any words. I didn't see this coming at all.

"You don't feel the same, huh?" He says with disappointment.

"... I'm dating Zak, George."

The call goes silent again, but for even longer now and feels more painful.

"I- I didn't know, I'm sorry."

Again, silence.

"I have to go" George quickly says and immediately ends the call.

This is really, really bad. My anxiety starts to kick in and my heart starts to beat fast.

Do I tell Zak and ruin their friendship?

George didn't know, but I don't think that'll matter to Zak...

If I don't tell him, is that wrong?

I realize I should text Darryl and ask him to come to my recording room but say he's going to the bathroom.

When he gets here, I explain everything that just happened.

"Oh no..." Darryl mutters. "He was JUST worried about that too."

I take a deep breathe in trying to calm myself down.
"Do I tell Zak? It'll ruin their friendship if I do, but ruin our relationship if I don't."

"I don't think those are the only two outcomes, but-"
I cut off Darryl. "But what if it is? What if I ruin their friendship? What if I destroy our relationship? What if none of us ever talk again? I can't do that."
"Calm down Y/N. I think you should tell him. I'll go back downstairs, wait a few minutes, then you call Zak up."

"... Alright. Thank you, Darryl."

"No problem" he says as he quietly walks to the bathroom and flushes the toilet to make it sound like he was actually in there, washes his hands and goes downstairs.

I wait about 10 minutes and then head out.
"Zak, can I talk to you?" I say in a whisper. Both Zak and Vincent look worried because neither of them know what's happening.

"Yeah, for sure" Zak says, walking upstairs with me to my room. I close the door behind us and Zak takes a seat on the bed.

"Before I say it, he didn't know you and I are a thing" I say, looking at him.

".... He fucking didn't" Zak says, already getting angry.

Tears start to form in my eyes. I don't like seeing Zak mad.

I take a breath and say, "after recording the video, he told me he really likes me."

"No, he fucking didn't" Zak yells angrily, now standing up. "What did you tell him after?"

"I told him that I'm with you. He didn't argue it, he only said he didn't know and hung up. Don't be mad at him please" I say, choking on my words and I hug Zak.

"Baby, I'm not mad at you and I'm not going to do anything drastic" Zak says returning the hug and reassuring me.

"I'm sorry" I cried.

"Sorry for what?" Zak asks.

"That my mind keeps trying to come up with the worst possible outcome."

"That's not your fault, don't be sorry. I am going to have to talk to Spifey about it, though. Clear some things up with him."

I sniffle and ask, "you promise your guys' friendship isn't over now?"

"I'm not planning on it. He didn't know, but if he did then that would be a different story."

I smile and tighten our hug.

"That's one way to start our morning" Zak laughs.

I'm so glad Zak is understanding. I need to stop associating him with my past. He's so much better.
As Zak and I are about to leave, we hear heavy knocking on the front door. We look and each other and say, "Jonathan."

We run downstairs in time to tell Darryl to not open the door.

"Why?" Darryl asks. "It sounds important."

I look through the peak hole in the door and sure enough it's Jonathan.

"I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE Y/U!" Jonathan yells outside of the door.

"I think that's why" Vincent whisper yells.

Word Count- 1140

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