Should We Tell Them?

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Happy chapter 14!  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I wake up in one of the guest rooms, Vincent's soon-to-be room. I sit up, confused, and Zak walks in.

"You're awake!" He yells and runs over to me. "Are you alright?!"

"Yeah, I just had a weird dream. Why am I in here though?" I ask, still confused.

"... what was your dream about?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"You remember that guy from the club? Jonathan?"
Zak's face grows even more concerned.

"Yeah, well-"  I start, but Zak cuts me off.

"That wasn't a dream Y/N. You had a panic attack and passed out."

"WHAT?!" I shoot up, now realizing that the card wasn't just a dream; he really knows where I live now.

I'm at a loss for words, not only in fear of Jonathan, but now Zak knows I have GAD and Panic Disorder.
"I- when- how-" I stuttered, trying to come up with words. Zak takes off his hoodie and throws it over my head, which does help a little because I'm cold.
Tears start flooding my eyes.

"Don't cry Y/N, I won't let anyone hurt you."

"I'm sorry" I sob.

"What? Why are you sorry?" Zak asks, holding my head up.

"I didn't tell you about my disorders and now you're stuck in not only a stalker situation but now have to deal with me" I say with a shaky voice, still crying.

"First of all, you can tell me anything. I won't judge you. Second, I'm glad I was here if it was going to happen because I won't let anything happen to you. No stalker is going to get you. Third, I don't have to deal with you, and I'm not 'dealing' with you" Zak says in a quiet, calming voice. It immediately calms me down.

"I don't want you to get hurt" I cry.
"I won't, and I by no means am letting you get hurt. Alright?"

"... alright."

Zak wraps his arms around me into a tight hug, and I return the hug.

"And promise me you'll tell me things from now on? I'll never judge you."

"I promise."

He pulls away from the hug and put up his pinky, trying to get a pinky promise. We crossed our pinkies together.

"...unless you're a little police girl. Then I will judge you" Zak's smiles, brightening the mood.

"Okay police boy" I chuckle.

"I'M NOT- okay well played" he laughs.

We get to work on Vincent's room.

While we're cleaning, we have pillow fights, de-clutter competitions, and other weird competitions. I love that Zak can even make cleaning fun. I mean, after all, I am dating the Skeppy. There's never really a moment where he isn't silly.

Time skip

We finish cleaning and decorating the guest room for Vincent around 5:00 p.m.

"Should we make plans now or take it a day at a time?" I ask, wanting to make this trip as fun as possible for Vincent.

"I don't know, I think we should wait for him to get here and see what he wants to do" Zak suggests.
"Yeah, I guess so."

Both mine and Zak's phones buzz. It's Vincent telling us he's getting onto his 14 hour flight.

I just sat down in my flight right now!
It's going to be 14 hours
                                      5:04 p.m.

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